Occupation: High School teacher
RP used for: Teacher/Teacher (You're going to have to convince me otherwise for any other pairing with this character)
Age: 24
Hair color: Cyan
Eye color: Gold

Jacob sighed as he approaned the school with his bag in hand while he wore the approved teacher's uniform for his first day of teaching. "And to think of all I did to get away from school." he thought humorously before heading in. He was nervous, heck anyone would be in his shoes, but he was also excited to be teaching for the first time ever. Although he desperately could have used a stick of gum, the facilty members were even more stressful of no hats or gum to other facilty members than teachers despite not even blinking twice if a student decided to come to school in a bikini, regardless of gender.......that creeped Jacob out a little to be honest.
As a student, Jacob was a trouble maker that caused havoc for his teachers and peers and, though he was not any better at improving himself, years away at college and working for a living suppressed several of his more unsavory hobbies that woud have gotten him into trouble. The real world did that to people after all. Surprisingly, in college he found an affinity with teaching others and instructed them on some of the harder things that he found quite easy. It was not to say he was a genius or anything of the sort, merely talented. His roommate later suggested to him to try to be a teacher when they were both in their sophmore year in college and it seemed to stick.
"If I'm lucky, I can get good classes." he thought optomistically for several seconds before sighing once more. "Who am I kidding." he mumbled to himself. A new teacher was the same as a substitute teacher, an easy target for the students to take advantage of. "Here goes nothing." he said as he walked through the halls until he ran into someone, causing him to fall to the floor with a thud. Getting up, he dusted himself off and tried to help whomever he knocked over up. "I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." he said honestly.
((PM to continue this one, or start a new one. However, do not be less than a semi-lit person who writes only one line to all of this. If I don't respond to your pm for this one then please do not send another one.))