Whisker of the West
-Name: Ummm....i don't know yet sweatdrop but the creature is called a "Coeurl"; to connect it to Byakko, maybe we can name the item "West's Whisker" (since Byakko, aka WhiteTiger, is the god-creature of the west in Chinese mythology.)
Tortoise (Black Warrior) = North, Winter, Black, Water
White Tiger = West, Fall, White, Metal
Red Bird (Phoenix) = South, Summer, Red, Fire
Dragon = East, Spring, Blue/Green, Wood
White Tiger = West, Fall, White, Metal
Red Bird (Phoenix) = South, Summer, Red, Fire
Dragon = East, Spring, Blue/Green, Wood
-Number of Generations: ??? 10?
-Detailed Description or Pictures of poses per evolution: Found lying over a grave of an ancient king in a distant temple. Something ominous must be watching over that grave...
Possible items: (in no particular order as of now....i need more ideas...)
1. The EI can start off as a technicolor, feather-like item (see the whisker on the Couerl? it kinda looks more like a feather than the usual whisker). It would be either handheld or some sort of hairpin.
2. Little kitty playing with the feather, which happens to be it's tail...(I'll try to doodle up something for this one....). The kitten shall be anything BUT white.
Rationale: according to wikipedia: "when a tiger reaches 500 years old, it's tail turns white". So it's only natural that the white tiger appears only when the evo is nearing its conclusion.
3. Claw-like weapon, more or less like the picture below.
According to my source (see link below): "The male tiger was, among other things, the god of war..." Thus the need for weapons, armor, and the like.
4. Virtuous Emperor's Robes: think Kuja from FF9 (thanks to Ung for the link below!! heart ). Maybe i'll make an edit....someday... sweatdrop
Rationale: according to wikipedia: "that a white tiger would only appear when the emperor ruled with absolute virtue." I'm thinking this has to be one of the latter evos. As separate pieces, perhaps?
5. White jade accessory (i'm not quite sure what kind of accessory).
According to the same source: "White jade was used when the Tiger god of the West was worshipped; it is known as 'tiger jade;' a tiger was depicted on the jade symbol..."
6. "You are" pose.
http://moa810.deviantart.com/art/doodle-Kuja-55597539 <-- Kuja, FF9
<-- the Claw, a knuckle-type weapon found in RO
-Background Links: i haven't found any decent links yet, but you can try learning more about this creature by searching the web. search tags include "final fantasy" and "coeurl". i have seen this monster in the FFX game.
Also check http://www.onmarkproductions.com/html/ssu-ling.shtml for reference regarding the Four God-Creatures of China.