So Kids, What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up?
Do you know? Because I sure as hell don't. The 10th graders had their PSATs today so we got stuck filling out those stupid forms online on what we want to do with our lives. For whatever reason they don't seem to realize that what you want to do has very little with what you actually end up doing. Anyway, we fill out two forms: What our interests are and our skills. Once we were done with our interests we'd do the skills thing to see which jobs fit the best. So I answered a bunch of questions and got a list of jobs that all, inevitably, suck. I don't know what I got the first time, but I saw this button that said for better results, answer more questions. So I click it. 20 questions later and I'm a truck driver. What an amazing way to inspire students, yes? So I click it again. 20 more questions. Now I'm a massage therapists. I swear I was about to ask if the thing uses some method or if it just plays job roulette. I clicked the button again. We're sorry, you're out of questions. Great. Now I'm stuck with those jobs. Whatever, moving on to the skills section. Its answers? I got 3 this job is a very bad match for you and 2 this job is a highly questionable match for you. The teacher was shocked and would've made me do it again-like yeah, I've decided in the last five minutes that a garbage man IS in fact what I aspire to be-but we were out of time. I know my answers weren't the most helpful-I said I hate everything (oh come on, the first question was Do you want to work with kids? NO. Then Do you like to work with the mentally challenged? NO. And then Are you good at dealing with uncooperative people? I. DON'T. LIKE. PEOPLE. Or their hell spawns! TAKE THE HINT!) but they could've done a lot better.
More later.
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