"Stop Allowing your Hearts to Be Troubled"
"I am your Father, The God, and you my children. Come to me and rest, lay down your burdens and worship me. A time is coming and I am preparing your hearts my children. Come, Come to me and lift your arms, open your hearts, lay all your pain and suffering down. Have an easy heart, peace and calm to all who come to me. I am preparing you because the road will not be easy but know I am your Father and I am with you always. I have open arms and will always love you, you are all beautiful and you will be the torches that i use to set the world on fire. I am the the calm after the storm, I am the breeze on a warm day. I am the peace in the midst of battle, rest in me my children for a time is coming and you will be ready cause you had faith in me and what I can do through you. It isn't your ability but your response, but your response to my ability to use you so rest and be calm and at peace with your neighbor. Now is a time of rest because soon i am going to say,"GO!" and you will go my children, I love you, be at for now I am preparing you. ~GOD~
JesusFreak_Nazarite_4Ever · Wed Oct 29, 2008 @ 05:02am · 1 Comments |