Then all the sudden I said "DESU" and kept saying. We were still in Wal-mart and suddenly the lights totally turned off and everyone screamed so loud that make my ears hurt >.<". Then there were weird glowing green hands flying over place OMGLOLOL. then the lights came back on, Everyone was gone, except my best friend and the cute guy and we were like 0___0. And we saw this glowing flying blue thingy. And I said "OMG IS THAT NAVI??!!"
and then it said "HEY! LISTEN!" And then my friend said "UWAH! ITS NAVI OMG OMG!!" XD. Then, all these random weapons came out of nowhere and then Navi "Take the weapons" and so took them and Navi said "follow me" and went into the light. And the I woke up on a Friday morning no school.