Raiden Suette
White WolfUsername: Riiko_chan2
Character name: Raiden Suette
Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Positioη: Seme
Age: Around 26 human years.
Biography: A lonly wolf. Desperate for some attention. Raiden was separated from his pack at birth, and was taken by the humans to an auctioning market. There were many in the same situation as he, yet, he felt alone. Eventually, he was auctioned off to a gambler who had won it big a few days before. He wasn't complaining..in fact, Raiden rarely spoke. It was just not his personality, or instict for that matter. His master would often beat him for no apparent reason, and Raiden did nothing to stop him. Surely this could not get worse. Wrong. Oh so wrong. As Raiden grew, he developed a harsh relationship with the man, and refused to do anything for the man. Again, wrong choice. His master finally snapped, raging upon Raiden and nearly choking him to death. Raiden pleaded for his master to stop and eventually he did. With his mind set, Raiden's master send him back to the auctioning he was first introduced to. Ah, how long must he wait to be set free? It just so happens that nearly all masters want young fresh slaves. Let's get real, no one wants an older slave who has already been owned. With just his luck, he'll stay there until he dies.
Personality: -Quiet -Defiant if provoked. -Observant -Cold...until he gets used to you. -Doesn't care about himself.
Likes: ∞ The moon ∞ Listening to the rain ∞ Dreaming ∞ Reading (Yes, he did pick up the intelligence to read from his last master)
Dislikes: * Humans * Cages * Cooking...hunting is much more efficient. * Individuals who have fake personalities.