Stephanie Mislang Fernandez
Born: June 22, 1993
5:00 PM in San Diego, CA
Summary of your Birth Chart
Planet Deg Sign Min
Sun 1° Cancer 32'
Moon 9° Leo 06'
Mercury 25° Cancer 26'
Venus 16° Taurus 17'
Mars 29° Leo 48'
Jupiter 5° Libra 27'
Saturn 0° Pisces 11'
Uranus 20° Capricorn 58'
Neptune 20° Capricorn 16'
Pluto 23° Scorpio 09'
Ascendant 23° Scorpio 48'
Midheaven 2° Virgo 01'

In Astrology, the Moon is the ruler of the subconscious. Based on the phase, sign and house of the Moon when you were born, you have a propensity for dreams of a certain kind.
Moon in Leo
Your dreams naturally incorporate intuition on a regular basis. If you keep track of your dreams, your intuition and psychic abilities increase exponentially. All dream images have potential intuitive meaning, so don't dismiss familiar symbols or characters as meaningless. Yes, some dream contents appear merely to further the plot. However, even plot devices have psychic meaning. For example, consider whether the symbol is appropriate to the situation in the dream.
Your dreams may often include creative elements. Everyone has multiple talents. Scientists and artists alike have reported dreams that aided in the solution of problems when had considered for a long time. Your dreams, through the means of exaggeration, show you the greater potential of each of your talents. In dreams you soar higher and express your leadership capacity in heroic actions and artistic expression. These dreams allow you to practice your skills over and over, perfecting technique and sharpening awareness.
Moon in the Ninth House
The Ninth House is the realm of travel, higher education, religion and philosophy. Your dreams delight you with travel, both by ordinary means and via flying or astral travel. You sometimes are faced with dogmatic dream figures that demand that you follow their precepts. Occasionally you have what you know is a precognitive dream. Finally, you perceive the Light in dreams more vividly than you do during waking hours. Any of these dreams can contain powerful abstract symbols for you to consider.
You can learn to use your dreaming time to help you imagine solutions to problems or develop your own spiritual values. Consider the possibility that each of these dreams contains intuitive insights for you. While you appreciate the apparent content of each dream, look for a deeper, symbolic insight as well. And remember, when you fly in a dream, you are on the verge of lucid dreaming -- you can consciously recognize the dream while you are in it.
Remember, creative dreams are not necessarily logical. If you were awake, you might pursue a project in a logical way. When you are asleep, your dream ego can put the ideas together in any order and relationship to each other. In this way you see the situation from unusual perspectives and get unusual answers.
One reason for recording dreams is that while you get one answer from the dream today, a few years from now you may see the dream situation in an entirely different light. A single dream can answer many questions if you go back and read it again.