As you all know when I was talk with you and how it was sad at the ending how I lost my unborn child and how my husben Life been killed. Along how everything seem to be going down hill for me and everything wasn't working at the point when I wanted to get back to my home lands of the North. But yet I just couldn't leave just like that.
It was a few days after the deaht of my husben and how I was still so sad but yet my friends was there for me because I didn't really really what happens to me to me. But still my friends Blake and along with Josh made me feel better by cheering me up. Along with my other friend friend Shense the Princess of Darkness and most of all Kazu, he made me feel a lote better.
Then one night under the full moon when I was with Blake and Josh along with my other good friend Wolf, that what she likes to called. There was a powerful wind and soon in one of the spots where we all were there was flames coming out of the ground along there black smoke everywhere. I cover my face not wanting the smoke to be in my face and then I hear someone talk and how I know that voice too well, as I uncover my face I saw it and it seem to be another demon from hell but no it was not but yet my dead husben and he is back! In demon form I couldn't believe it. It been about a week when I last saw him alive.
Everyone is happy that he is back but yet not back he did came back but all new, but he still remember's everyone along with me. But yet we both know and we both understand that things would never be the same between us, so that was that and that how was we going to keep things too.
Soon I came across a little girl who was name Cuty. As for she was alone and had no one to take care of her and I saw something with in her someone that needs to come out and understnad more. And so I talk with her and find out that she has not mother nor father. So I took her in as I adopted her as mine and take of her as she was mine own. I feel so happy that I took her as my daughter as my little princess.
Few days past I was outside with Kazu talking with him under a tree enjoying the warm fall air. Kazu seem to be always with me now making sure I'm doing okay. Because he know I had a hard time in the past three weeks ago. He is also happy that I took in Cuty as my daughter. WE both kept on talking then soon I saw a black crow and I know that crow belong too as well. Then soon the crow drop a little on my lap and took off back flying away as I smile as I take a hold of the letter.
"Who is the letter from Heart?" Kazu said, looking right over me. I smile as I open the letter and then soon a bigger smile came to my face. "What is it Heart?" Kazu said, once again as I look at him.
"Kazu, tis is from my brother and he soon to be married sometime soon and he wants me to go see him right now." I said, to Kazu. Soon he got up and then he help me up we both give each other a hug good bye and then soon I took off.
When I took off from Kaxu something bout him make me happy like I can do anything not sure why? But yet anyway when I fanilly got to my brother Tag and his future wife. She was really good looking and kind no wander my brother likes her. Soon as we kept on talking someone came out of the shadows and walk over to my brother and I. Soon later I found out that his name was Rayn. Both Rayn and I went on a walk and just talk, he seem really nice to me. saying nice things to me, but reallyall the guys say that to me. Then out of no where he ask me to be his girl friend. I didn't know what to say at first. Am I ready to move on? But before I knew it I said yes, thinking am I doing the right thing?
But later on that day I have been summon by the Dark Prince Shense. We always been keeping a hold of each other talking about things that soon or what to be done alone now he calls me his Queen. Even if we are good friends and nothing can come between us and our friendship. Shese and I talk for a long time as I look over at the time and saw it was almost time for my brothers wedding. I told Shense and he understand as for we both seem to be getting a little busy sometimes. But still stay close to each toerh and give each other our time for us. I give Shense a hug good bye and went to get eady for my brothers wedding.
When I got there I saw no one was there. I look around and see no one and thinking where is everyone because it was the time for his wedding. Soon I run into my brother and Rayn and soon Rayn hug me. Then my brother told me that they already has the wedding with out me. I feel a little about this whole thing but yet Cuty always put a smile on my face when I get a little sad.
Soon a week past and it feels like Rayn and I are slowly going a part. Then soon we both got into a fight and I end things off with him. When I did I feel a little sad and mad at myself because Cuty was starting to like him.
During that that day didn't seem to get better I got into a fight with my sister Amber. Trying to make me step down from being Queen, after the fight I took off and a few of my people who are really my friends came after me knowing I was not happy. one of them was Caza, one that believe that I was right for the job. The other Trigger who I hate at first but learn to trust him and his honor to me. Another Dknight, last but not lest Kazu. They all was saying that they don't want me to step down and let me sister because this well not be easy for her. Then soon with out knowing bout it I was speaking with strong and powerful words that they know I'm not kidding nor going to step down, because I never give in and always stand tall like a true leader and Queen, if someone wants to make me step down they got to kill me.
Days later my mother sent for me. Goddesscaron. When I got there I saw my brother Tag and Kazu. Along finding out my brother Tag is the God of War. And tis was my time to find my Goddess with in me. Soon then I find my Goddess as for now I'm also known as the Goddess of Vampires. As I got more powerful. My sister Amber got the Goddess of Death. Kazu like my Goddess which made me a whole let happy because I love it too.
Its been a month now. Kazu and I been with each other everyday talking and hanging out with ech other. He really like my daughter Cuty. Then oneday when I was just walking with him and then he ask me out to be his girlfriend and I said yes knowing he won't hurt me and I when I said yes he give me a necklace. Along everyone knew I would be going out with him because we are always together along he calls me his Goddess. I meet some of this family and like his little sister's Fox that what she likes to be called and Dei, I even went to Dei's wedding and I was the prist for her wedding and I was honor to do such a thing bring to people together and for the name of love it was so cute.
Soon weeks later Kazu and I was outside near the river and how the night was so nice full moon with all the stars out along hearing the sound of the river. We both seem closer then ever as we both start to talk to each other and then he move infront of me and took my hands and look me right in my eyes and ask me to marry him. as he pull out a nice ring from his jacket picket and show me it. I smile at ring and then back at him with a bigger smile and said yes I would marry him. He was also really happy and put the ring on my finger and pull me close to him as we kiss.
I hope you enjoy my story of my life so far next one is going to have the wedding on it, and thank you for your time for reading it. and I hope part four will be out soon.
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