Okey dokey, so today in science I made the best thing in the world to play with...(apart from that one lesson we made atoms out of marshmallows-yum! whee )...SLIME! mrgreen
You can probably tell I went a bit hyper! 3nodding Anywho...
We made it out of borax (dont ask me what it is...I'm guessing a chemical 4laugh ) and PVA glue! xd At first it was kinda gloopy. Then we added more borax and it went less gloopy sad But then we added more borax and it turned into...SLIME! xd Me and my mate kept on playing with it whilst the rest of my group were to wimpy to even touch it. WIMPS! I rolled mine into a ball and made it bounce! xd Miss said it's coz borax is used to make bouncy balls eek Then we were allowed to take the slime home but I didn't coz I didn't have anything to put it in without it getting everywhere. sad I got a picture with it though! biggrin
Well that was my awesome science lesson and the rest of the day was boring and at one point I almost wanted to cry! Better now though!
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Hello-this is my amazing journal. Okay, so it's not all that amazing but it's a journal. It will include stuff like my day so far, my feelings at the time, funny moments, and a whole lot more random, crazy stuff!
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