
HOLY CRAP!!! RUN! Turkeys are attacking!

K so thanksgiving totally blew like every other holiday. But this time it was because i had NOTHING to do. completely board. My parents went out to a Thanksgiving party with some high school friends. I was home alone *slaps hands on both sides of face*
Well I was board until you-know-who called. Not Dave. Alan.
Shoot. That was my exact word when i saw the caller ID. Ever since Halloween, he had been calling trying to "explain himself" Its still rude to phone stalk someone right?
Well I had nothing better to do so i went to meet him at the park. Big Mistake.
He was sitting on the bench when i found him. He stood up when he saw me. It was weird.
I sat down on the bench and gave him a "What do you want" look.
He started right away.
"Look," he was very nervous. Couldn't imagine why. "I like you a lot" no dip
"and I was hoping that the notes woul-"
I cut him off. "Wait this is about the notes? I don't really care about that I care about the fact you've been calling me since you nearly threw up all your candy on Halloween."
I stared at him. Hoping for some other explanation.
I was waiting patiently when it happened.
All i really remember was seeing Dave and his buds walking down the sidewalk when I felt hand at the back of head and Alan's lips against mine.
I nearly blacked out. I couldn't push him away, he was pretty strong.
I was still struggling when he pulled away. I was relieved and confused. I looked up, expecting to see Alan say sorry over and over again. I didn't. I saw Dave wrestling Alan on the ground. I sat on the bench speechless.

I believe Christmas is next. Tune in then.

And I know i said that last time but this time I'm positive Christmas is next.