My current avatar is based on a character named Soma from my novel “Broken Sonata: Fangs Of The Dragon”. It is a novel I haven written in November for national novel writing month. “Fangs Of The Dragon” is third in my series of novels. Note my novels were only written for fun so you won’t find them out there in bookstores. It has a fantasy theme with a bit of steam punk here and there.
The story takes placed on the Central Continent. The continent is divided into several large kingdoms. For the past several hundred years all of the kingdoms have been a war. In the recent century most wars have stopped due to a rising of a new religion quickly gaining power: the Church of the Silver Flame. Due to its powerful hold on the people around the world the Silver Flame has managed to stop most wars from breaking out. It would seem like a good thing, but it has become a creature feared by most rulers. The Church has become a monster on the verge of devouring all the kingdoms. Already it had assimilated several kingdoms in the middle of the continent and actually formed a new theocracy kingdom. Slowly under its teachings it is drawing more and more people to it. However the salvation it promises…
Soma is a general of the island kingdom of Alandaria to the north of the Centeral Continent. Alandaria is a island nation with moderate to cold temperatures and lots of mountains. It is surrounded by countless mountain islands. Alandaria is the most technologically advanced nation. Though it is smaller then its neighbors with their short range warship and airships they hold their own. Alandaria is one of the few kingdoms not under the influence of the Silver Flame; practicing their own warrior religion. Soma is a brillant general and feared greatly by armies of the other kingdoms. They nicknamed him The Dragon of The North (dragon being akin to demon in the general culture). His signature style is to summon mist to blind and confuse the enemy then obliterate each unit one by one silently. The brilliant commander and master swordsman is beloved greatly by the king.
Soma is first introduced when the heroes of my first book escape to Alandaria to avoid captured by the Silver Flame. Soma is a enigmatic man who later becomes the main focus of the novel. No one really understands his past at first. He was simply put into command by the king himself without anyone knowing his history. Soma at all times wears masks. He has a variety of them, but it is later learned why he wears the masks and why he so loved by the king. Its probably clear that Soma is the illegitimate son of the king. Soma learns of the plot of the Silver Flame to take over the world and informs the court. Of course he is dismissed, but he secretly prepared the armies directly under his command for war.
In my novel Alandaria is later tossed into a great war with the Silver Flame. Alandaria which boasts the largest fleet and most advance technology is able to hold out. However a revolt inside the palace by the fifth prince causes the infrastructures to fall and Alandaria’s collapses. Soma, along with the rest of the heroes, take the three fleets under his command and sails south. The other heroes include Daniel (Ri-Anh warrior), Cilla (the female heroine), Nu, and Taiya. They sail for Daniel’s homeland in the south to meet with the Prophetess of the Ri-Anh tribe.