I am soo annoyed right now.
I've been annoyed since Friday.
I hate tests.
I hate school.
Good luck charms don't work.
(Trust me, I've tried)
Maybe I'll find a miracle sometime.
After all, it's almost christmas.
And Christmas is the greatest time of year...
As all u people say.
And my wish might come true...
Or not.
It's a 50/50 chance.
Oh well...
My life is hard.
It's hard being me.
Unless you have brains and skills.
Which i don't really have.
I'm trapped.
In this room.
With nobody.
Just a few mangas, my biology book and me.
I hate biology.
I mean, I have a B-, but i hate all the tests and notes...
The format is stupid.
This is going to be a very long entry.
My friends are busy.
They've all gone to other school.
I'm not normal.
I'm alone in the world.
Well, that's how i feel right now.
I'm just a kid!
You don't have to torture me!
Please StarClan, please...
Help me...
Before it's...
...too late