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Keaga's Event Log
Details on the journeys and thoughts of Keaga in the company of his companions from the shadows.
The plan that surprised the planner!
Entry by: Keaga Inuzuka
Age: 12
Location: Construction site/forest clearing

Date: November 28th

As promised, the first thing I saw as I opened my eyes was Amarante sleeping in a chair in the corner of the room. I got out of bed and stretched. Stretching the muscles in my arm probably wasn't the best idea. My right arm was still unable to do much. I wasn't going to be working today. It hurt like, well, Shunomaru's mom to keep this log clean. I moaned at the pain. Amarante shifted in her sleep to get comfortable. I'm surprised I didn't wake her. I walked over to her and stared at her sleeping face as i placed her cheek in the palm of my hand. 'She's so cute in her sleep. Then again she always is,' I thought to myself. "What am I thinking!?" I said out loud, too loud. Amarante slowly opened her eyes and was shocked seeing me not more than a foot or two from her. She jumped up surprised and blushing. I did the same only turned to walk towards Yasu and Shunomaru, who I also woke up in my idiocy, so she wouldn't notice my face until I was back to my normal color.

"G...good morning Keaga!" she said in panic.
"Howdy," was my response, still trying to get rid of the red in my face. I'm still not sure why I say that instead of hello or good morning, I mean, I'm not a cowboy or anything in fact I'm far from it.....
"Did you sleep well?"
"I slept all yesterday remember? That's the most sleep I've gotten since I was 4."
"Oh ....right."
"How bout you?"
"You get enough sleep? You look exhausted."
"I could have gotten more but I wanted to be here when you woke up. I guess I dozed off." she said with an embarrassed smile. I laughed a bit and she gave off a light snarl directed towards me. It just made me laugh harder, which, in return, she laughed right along with me. At least if I was still red then I could blame it on laughing so hard. "So with your arm all banged up it looks like you won't be doing much today," she reminded me.
"Well I was thinking of just taking a little 'vacation time' I guess you could call it."
"Didn't everybody just get off of a break?"
"They did, but I didn't. I've been training Yasu and his brothers with Shunomaru every chance I get. It's actually a good thing my arm got all busted up, now I can relax for a while. At least till it heals that is."
"Well I could use a day of rest myself. After Tizona and I left you here to rest I went to help the doctors diagnose and treat all the other patients. I just fell to sleep about four or five hours ago." It wasn't until she said this that I noticed that it was about noon. No wonder she looked so exhausted, she was up treating the others for over 24 hours. No doubt about it, we both needed to relax.
"Shunomaru, watch after Yasu today alright? We'll be back later."
"We?" Amarante asked.
"You said you wanted to rest too didn't you? Besides, it'll give us some time to catch up on things."
"Umm.... sure why not."

We walked out of the room, closing the door behind us. We walked towards the door when the receptionist saw me stagger slightly and came after us. It's hard to believe what so much blood loss will do to you. "You shouldn't be out of your room in your condition!" she scolded me. I just grunted and continued walking through the doors of the recently finished hospital.
"Don't worry about him. I'll make sure he doesn't do anything too reckless." Amarante assured her. She nodded to Amarante who had to jog slightly to catch up with me.
"Beautiful day ain't it?"
"Yeah, a few clouds and quite cold too." The temperature was about 53 I would guess.
"It's not that cold."
"I'm not used to the cold remember?"
"Oh well, I made sure to leave a note for Zerostsu and the others in case they came looking for us."
"Really? I didn't see you write anything before we left." She seemed puzzled.
"What, you think I would bother writing a note when Shunomaru knows exactly what to tell Zerostsu."
"What? How?"
"That's just how close I am to Shunomaru. Mia would be able to translate for him so Zerostsu will get the message one way or another even if he asks the receptionist."
"Ahh... I see. Well what do you want to do?"
"Not sure." I paused to think. I did find a place we could go for some peace and quite but she may take it as something else. Besides, I think I'll keep that place to myself. At least for a while. "To start lets just walk around a bit. We'll think of something to do eventually." We did just that too. We began walking through the camp with some of the workers staring at me worried. Then we walked around the construction sites, finished buildings, and eventually made our way to a path into the forest. I'm surprised we never ran into any of the others so far. It's already about 4 after all. I decided to start up a conversation in hopes of breaking the silence. There was only one thing I could think of to say. "So, what ever happened with that boyfriend of yours?"
"Huh?! How did you find out about that?"
"I have my connections. For instance my sister. She saw you him one day but barely saw anything but his arm crossed with yours. In other words she never saw his face."
"Oh ...well ... I umm......" She looked down at the ground. I couldn't tell if it was out of embarrassment or if she was upset about something.
"So tell me what happened with the ghost of a boyfriend."
"We broke up....."
"Oh...... I'm sorry." I felt guilty for bringing up the subject.
"Don't be, he wasn't the right one for me. Besides, I think I... might have found somebody who I can be truly happy with."
"Oh nice. I wouldn't happen to know said guy would I?" Anxious to hear her response.
"Umm....." She instantly began to blush a bright red. "You....might know him...." Now even I became red. Unfortunately I couldn't bring myself to turn away but she didn't look up at me even once as we walked through the woods.
"I'm.... not sure..... what else to say." I said as we walked into a clearing within the trees.
"Wow look at that!" she gasped as she looked up. The clearing wasn't much now considering it was now winter. There was a loan tree in the center of the clearing surrounded by fallen sakura petals at the foot of the tree itself. from the edge of the clearing to the loan tree was only about 25 yards or so. The outline of the area was covered in leaves from Autumn that had fallen from the circle of trees.
"I don't believe it." I hadn't even realized that this whole time I had been walking here. This was my spot. The one spot that I tried so hard NOT to come to. I wanted to wait until spring when everything was in full bloom before showing her this place. So much for my plan. "Great place ain't it" I said with a blush.
"Did you..... plan this?"
"Sorta, just... not quite yet. I wanted to show you when it was in full bloom in spring. I guess that plan didn't go so well." She stood under the tree as some of the sakura petals left on the branches fell around her. I was hypnotized at the mixed scent of the petals and the one flower that still stood beautifully in front of me. My eyes would not turn, my body moved on its own, my mind was empty aside from the one thought that continued ringing in my ear. 'Now's your chance, don't ruin it.' I walked up to her and held her at her waste as I turned her to face me. She was simply beautiful. Her eyes wide, her face in complete shock yet anxious. My body seemed to have its own mind. Before I knew it my lips were on hers as she let out a gentle sigh. I parted our lips from one another and watched her. We were both red as possible yet extremely comfortable. We stood there with her in my arms and just watched one another for quite some time.
"Well..... *clears throat*.... I guess we only have one way to go from here."
"uh-huh..." she seemed a bit lightheaded through all of this but smiled at me nonetheless. "So I guess....." I cut her off.
"It looks like you have a new boyfriend!" I smiled as she giggled a little at my statement. She blushed even more than before the kiss as I stared into her eyes.
"What are we going to tell the others?!" She realized before I even cared enough to wonder.
"We could keep it a secret if you want but it would be much easier just to show the outcome from today."
"Sure.... I mean, I guess we should make it easier on everyone."
"Let's not tell them until tomorrow though. I don't feel like giving Zerostsu details on the whole thing. Some perv jokes he could come up with would get annoying too." (Even though I'm usually the one with the jokes.)
"You both are pervs..... then again my mind isn't too pure either." This made my mind go places it shouldn't have so I'm not going to go into details here. I have a great imagination.... sometimes that's a bad thing.
"Ha ha ha......I can't argue with you there. I've heard plenty of your comments too remember?"
"Uhhh...... yeah let's not mention any to Tizona or Zirith ok?"
"Maybe...." I gave her a devilish smirk as her eyes narrowed on me in a bit of a playful anger.

Later at the camp. [Dialogue] Z-Zirith Ze-Zerostsu
T-Tizona K-Keaga A-Amarante

K- "Jeez, Zirith that home-made ramen was awesome! You know what, we should build and open a ramen shop for you man. I can't believe how stuffed I am!If this ramen don't help with healing my arm then I don't know what will."
T- "It's been so long since you made that man. I won't even be able to walk back to our tents." Everyone laughed at Tizona's remark.
A- "That was absolutely delicious. I agree with them both. A ramen shop is a great idea and a somebody to help me stand would be even better at the moment!"
Z- "Thanks a ton guys! I don't think I've ever gotten such great compliments on my cooking."
T- "Then again, I was the only one you ever let try your special ramen until now."
Z- "That's true. Hey Zerostsu why haven't you said anything?"
Ze- "Can't, too stuffed." I couldn't help but burst out in laughter. The others all joined in as Mia jumped on Zerostsu's stomach just to annoy him.
Z&T- "Well I don't know about you guys but we are going to bed. We'll see you guys in the morning." They waved towards us smiling as they walked out of the cooking area and towards their tents.
Ze- "Well...." he said slowly getting to his feet. "....I'm gonna pack it in too. Good night you guys."
A&K- "Night"
A- "Night to you too Mia." We heard a faint call wishing us the same from Zerostsu's direction.
K- "Let me give you a hand...." I helped her up and bent back down to pick up Yasu and Shunomaru, who were having a hard time standing on their own and carried them back to my hospital room and put them on my bed. The snuggled up by each other and fell to sleep rather quickly.
A- "Their so cute!"
K- "So are you." She just blushed and smiled. "Remember, we're telling the other about this tomorrow... in minor detail of coarse." She nodded in agreement.
A- "I think I should go to bed too I'm pretty tired." she said in a half-yawn. She walked towards the door with me matching her step. She turned and saw me before leaving. "Sweet dreams!"
K- "Only if your in them."
A- "Should I take that as a sweet or perverted comment?"
K- "A little bit of both." I grinned at her. "G'night my little wildflower."
A- "G'night youself puppy." She stuck her tongue out at me and smiled. I gave her a kiss, much like the one earlier, just before she left the room. She was very energetic for somebody so tired. I guess I was the reason for that.

I walked to the bed and went to get undressed without realizing that I went the whole day without a shirt. Public hospital or not I wasn't comfortable wearing pants to bed. Boxers it is! I moved Shunomaru and Yasu to the foot of my bed and climbed under the covers. I hope I do have Amarante in my dreams tonight, perverted or otherwise. I would prefer otherwise for the time being at least but either way will do. I hope the others aren't in shock when we tell them. Zerostsu might have seen it coming but then again who knows. The others though only thought us to be friends. Oh well I guess we will have to wait and see. I'm surprised even Shunomaru and Yasu were in the dark here. Whatever. G'night!

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commentCommented on: Sat Feb 14, 2009 @ 03:45pm
ha i rarely say anything oh well i might make a new journl enrty

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