I entered a small medow. There was a black figure. She turned to me in her ebony school girl skirt and button down top. Her hair was a pale purple. Unknowing of who she was my hair went jet black and my eyes turned a bright red.
My blade appers in my hand. It's intricate decoration glowing green.
"What do you want? Don't you know you don't belong here?" I siad sternly.
"don't hurt me" she said," I am here to enjoy the scenery. Can't you see?"
"It is Midnight and compleatly dark. Why would a young one like your self be out here, and who are you any way?" My vioce softening.
"Azuna, and I am out here cause my parents let me, for we don't live far." her vioce a gental monitone.
As i put my blade away my hair gose back to normal as the same with my eyes. I began to walk aging and she fallows. Great I think a mer mortal is fallowing me.