I hate how people always tease me because i say this:
Well, they make fun off me.
They tell me starclan isn't real.
And they call me a nerd.
FYI, I'm not a nerd.
Not even close to a nerd.
I'm just crazy, maybe even insane.
I watch too much anime.
And drink too many vanilla milkshakes.
And read too many violent novels.
At school, if people say they wish Edward Cullen were real, nobody makes fun of them.
Everyone tells me "StarClan isn't real, Kagome,"
"There aren't floating cats in the sky, Trent,"
"It sounds nerdy"
Oh yeah.
And wishing Edward Cullen was real ISN'T nerdy.
This is why I hate Twilight.
And Edward Cullen.
EDWARD CULLEN MUST DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Or else.
That is the end.
Why does everyone think I'm insane??
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Total Value: 144,685 Gold
[Item Information]

Item List:
Tama's Basket
Super Powers
Lunar Hairpin
Lunar Cloak
Lex's Dark Gloves
Nightwind Dragon Slippers
Green Stockings
Blade Of The Sacred Forest's Tunic