heeeey heartheartheartheart this is my journal and i just ramble on about random things so i hope you enjoy.
my first rambling is fat free foods: (yuck xp ) i mean like fat free make no point unless your obeise (no offense obeise people sweatdropsweatdrop ) and like the fat free take the goodness out of eating sugary foods and noone buys fat free foods unless you're obssebsed with eating healty so like if you like fat free foods then umm you're craaazy jk,jk.
my second thought is ironicly you got to admit george bush is the smartest dumbass we all know and hears some proof: did he bring us into war:yes did he lure terrorists here:yes did he make good choices in office:no but yet did we vote him in to office again:yes and the only other smart dumbass is forest gump but he doesn't cout 'cuz he's ******** a fake movie characters and tere is some dumbass out there going "well forest gump is brave but he's and idiot because he got shot in the a**" well if you're that idiot then go out and get laid by a smart person dumbass.
my third and last rambling is parents who let their kids do what they want: in my opinion you parents are dumbasses because 1 day you know you're kids gonna get shot by a gangster and you're gonna be like "why jesus why did my kid get shot?" and then jesus will be like "well dumbass you let them do whatever they want so thats probably why because they went up to him and said "gimme you're money because i get whatever i want so give it to me nigro" then 3 mins later here is the cops and an ambulance going "dumbass never call a gangster a nigro or you will get shot" so ******** screw you parents who let their kids do what they want ******** you.
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