I found this quiz on my friend's journal entry o.o
1) Haii, how are you today?: Hyper !!!!!!!!!!!
2) Are you a boy or a girl?: Girl. o.O
3) What's your name/nickname?: I'm called Charmin o.o
4) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope, single! heart
5) How old are you?: 15
6) What time is it where you live?: 4:36 wink
7) What country do you live in?: USA
8 ) What's your favorite color?: Teal
9) Why?: My eyes like it.
10) What's your favorite food?: Pizza o.o
11) What's your least favorite food?: Peas o.o
12) What is one thing you couldn't live without?: Dance xD
13) Do you have any stuffed animals?: Yup. Grawr.
14) What grade are you in?: 9th, started school late ._.
15) What grade do you wish you were in?: Pre K =D
16) Do you have siblings?: Too many whee
17) Do you get on the computer often?: Cha
18 ) Do you like music?: Nu duh
19) Do you watch a lot of television?: Sorta-kinda-ish o.O
20) Do you like anime?: Yea. I don't watch it much though.
21) If so, which one(s)? Lucky Star and DearS. xp
22) Post your favorite anime 10 times, or your ten favorite animes, in separate posts. (If not, bump again.): Bump.
23) What's your favorite anime pairing? If none, bump.: Bump
~ Gaia ~
24) Is your Gaian a girl or a boy?: Girl, its kinda hard to tell right now rofl.
25) How much gold do you want to earn from this quiz?: TEN BILLION QUAD DRILLION BO MILLION BA BILLION
26) How much gold do you already have? 3.1k
27) Are you saving up some gold for anything specific?: Duh
28 ) If so, what? If not, bump.: FREAM AVVIE er, dream*
29) Is this quiz helping out so far?: Not at the moment =D
30) Haha, how about now?: I'll earn 40 gold at the end I guess o.o
31) How do you usually earn gold?: Forums, games, comments, stuff like that o.O
32) Do you have any dream avatars?: Cha
33) Do you think you'll ever get that dream avatar?: YUP! no sarcasism :3
34) How long have you been using Gaia?: Somewhere is May 4laugh
35) Do you get on Gaia much?: ten times a day usually =D
36) Do you actually enjoy Gaia, or do you only get on when you've got nothing to do?: I guess I enjoy it o.O
37) How many friends do you have on Gaia?: Like I count my friends..
38 ) Do you remember how you found Gaia?: Yup.
39) Do you ever visit the forums?: Nu duh
40) Do you visit the forums OFTEN?: Pretty much.
41) Have you ever done a quiz on Gaia before?: Yaw.
42) Have you ever made a quiz on Gaia before?: No rofl.
43) Are you in any guilds?: No xD
44) If so, do you use the guild(s)? If not, bump.: bump o.o
45) Do you have a shop?: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, o.o
46) What's your favorite game on Gaia?: Jigsaw and zOMG
47) Do you ever go to Gaia Towns?: Not really o.o
48 ) How much gold do you have now?: 3.2k =D
~ Have you ever...~
49) Drank?: Water.
50) Sprayed soda, water, milk, etc.... out of your nose?: Yea =D
51) Drank rotten milk?: Once rofl.
52) Smoked?: Nope.
53) Skipped a day of school without anyone knowing?: Um, no rofl..
54) Made yourself puke so you wouldn't have to go to school?: I puke enough already -.-, OF COURSE IT WAS ON A FRICKIN HOLIDAY! WHERE YOU ARE SUPPOSE TO BE ALL HAPPY AND CHEERY! *puffpuff*
55) Went to school/ work drunk?: I'm pretty much drunk all the time o.o, not that I drink
56) Been in detention?: Not yet. *puts gun in pocket* heart
57) Splurged on an item you just HAD to have?: Psh no,
58 ) Went into a really expensive store and be blown away by the prices?: All the time rofl.
59) Wanted something you couldn't have?: Yup xD
60) Played poker with money?: No =D
61) Walked in the rain without an umbrella?: NU DUH
62) Danced in the rain?: Everytime
63) Been on stage?: Jeez, I can't count how many times XD
64) Been embarrassed by someone in your family?: Psh, I embarrass them.
65) Won a pool game?: Neither.
66) Been on a plane?: *shiver*
67) Been on a ship?: Yup.
68 ) Been on a train?: A fake one
69) Sung in the shower?: Dah-ur
70) Had a water gun war?: YES
71) Threatened someone with a water gun?: YES, twas fun xD
I will continue latah
Sry cuz I g2g xD
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A Random Journal :3
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