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my one and only random stories and poems and thoughts and s**t...
answer dese questions if ur my friend...
Answer this if you're my friend!
Copy and paste the following and answer it. Keep in mind that these questions are for both genders, so don't act stupid and give me a crappy reply. I look forward to your answers!

What would you do if I...
1. died:
2. kissed you:
3. lived next door to you:
4. started smoking:
5. stole something:
6. was hospitalized:
7. ran away from home:
8. got into a fight and you weren't there:

What do you think about my...
9. personality:
10. eyes:
11. hair:
12. family:

Would you...
13. be there for me:
14. keep a secret if I told you one:
15. hold my hand:
16. take a bullet for me:
17. keep in touch:
18. try and solve my problems:
19. love me:
20. date me:

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better:
22. wanted to kiss me:
24. wanted to kill me:
25. broke my heart:
26. kept something about you from me:
27. thought I was unbearably annoying:
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven:

28. who are you:
29. when did we meet:
30. how did we meet:
31. describe me in one word:
32. what was your first impression:
33. do you still think that way about me now:
34. what reminds you of me?:
35. if you could give me anything what would it be:
36. how well do you know me:
37. when is the last time you saw me:
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't:
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say:

User Comments: [8]
Community Member

Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 03:10am

What would you do if I...
1. died: cry cry cry cry CRY and commit suicide WHILE CRYING!!!!!
2. kissed you: scream, freak out, kick your a$$, slap you, spaz, and ask what is wrong with you in that exact order.
3. lived next door to you: squeal lots and lots and come over everyday, that is, if you don't beat me to the punch. =D
4. started smoking: do everything possible in my power to make you stop. and you know what i can do if i put my mind to it. -evil cackle-
5. stole something: react depending on what it is that you stole but make you bring it back anyways.
6. was hospitalized: cry at first then i would visit you every single day, bringing homework to you. twisted no jkjkjk lololol!
7. ran away from home: let you live here xd
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: yell at you for fighting. that is all.

What do you think about my...
9. personality: AWWWWWSHUM!!!!!
10. eyes: they sho pretty!
11. hair: luv it! no matter what you ever say.
12. family: mum - overprotective much?!?! michigan daddy - theeeee most awesome father! (next to Carlisle)

Would you...
13. be there for me: wtf did you expect from me?! of freaking course!
14. keep a secret if I told you one: i am already keeping one. can't remember which though. -scratches head- it's in here somewhere.
15. hold my hand: in a friendly and/or sisterly fashion.
16. take a bullet for me: yesh heart
17. keep in touch: HELL YEAH!!!!
18. try and solve my problems: i always do rolleyes
19. love me: i already do, hon.
20. date me: i don't really roll that way...

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: i tink so. sorry.
22. wanted to kiss me: romantically, no. but when you were hurt i wanted to kiss you on the head. smile
24. wanted to kill me: yesh. but i stopped myself.
25. broke my heart: nah. i'm sure of it.
26. kept something about you from me: maybe? i don't remember.
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: yesh, yesh. but it okay in the long run.
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: dude, you got this from me. of course i would be aware of it. razz

28. who are you: -waves hand in front of face- it's me! your best budday! hello?
29. when did we meet: eighth grade! first semester! drama class! two years ago! blaugh
30. how did we meet: we were doing a film project together. ahh, good times, good times.
31. describe me in one word: AWWWWWSHUM!!!!!
32. what was your first impression: she's a person. ninja
33. do you still think that way about me now: no. she's a vampire now. and so am iiiiiiiiiiiiii! rofl
34. what reminds you of me: almost everything =3
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: i would give you a huggle!
36. how well do you know me: i am proud to say i know you very well. -no "weird" meaning intended-
37. when was the last time you saw me: this monday!
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: i don't rememeber. stop trying to make me remember things. it's hard. ah, i remembered! the answer ish yesh.
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: ditto to question 23.

Community Member

Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 09:07pm

What would you do if I...
1. died: Kill myself.
2. kissed you: Be very happy and kiss you back. XD
3. lived next door to you: SUPER HAPPY FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. started smoking: Try to make you stop.
5. stole something: Slap some sense into you and make you return it.
6. was hospitalized: Visit you every day.
7. ran away from home: Make you go back.
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: Wonder what the hell you did to yourself.

What do you think about my...
9. personality: Cute.
10. eyes: Look like mine...
11. hair: A wee bit too much dye...
12. family: Never met 'em.

Would you...
13. be there for me: Every day.
14. keep a secret if I told you one: Yeah.
15. hold my hand: Hell yeah.
16. take a bullet for me: Without even thinking about it.
17. keep in touch: I would probably die if I didn't...
18. try and solve my problems: If you'd let me.
19. love me: I already do.
20. date me: I already am.

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: Nope.
22. wanted to kiss me: Always.
24. wanted to kill me: ...No...
25. broke my heart: No, unless your not telling me something.
26. kept something about you from me: Lemme think... Nope!
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: Why...?
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: Letter-wise... I think...

28. who are you: Your boyfriend.
29. when did we meet: A few weeks ago.
30. how did we meet: Groggy.
31. describe me in one word: Mine.
32. what was your first impression: Doesn't really like me...
33. do you still think that way about me now: No.
34. what reminds you of me?: The phone. XD
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: Me.
36. how well do you know me: I have no idea...
37. when is the last time you saw me: Unfortunatly, never... :'(
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: Um... No...
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: I guess.

The Fallen Gabriel
Community Member

Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 10:12pm

What would you do if I...
1. died: fall into depression
2. kissed you: be suprized.
3. lived next door to you: actually meet you and see if your as kewl in person
4. started smoking: be pissed off
5. stole something: laugh, and say "lets go steal somethin better"
6. was hospitalized: be very sad.
7. ran away from home: ask jawswillbite where the hell you went.
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: since i cant be there, i'd kinda ask you if you won, and beat the shyt outta the person.

What do you think about my...
9. personality: its awesome!
10. eyes: their pretty
11. hair: once again its AWESOME!
12. family: never met them.

Would you...
13. be there for me: through here yeah.
14. keep a secret if I told you one: of course
15. hold my hand: lets not go that far.
16. take a bullet for me: uhmmm... most likely.
17. keep in touch: duh
18. try and solve my problems: if you asked me to
19. love me: if only evil santa had a heart.
20. date me: you kinda have a boyfriend.

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: not to my knowledge
22. wanted to kiss me: *sigh*
24. wanted to kill me: hell no
25. broke my heart: not to my knowledge
26. kept something about you from me: well i did, but that was short lived. yahoo
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: no your just like me in that catagorey
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: it does? shweet!!!!

28. who are you: Jamie Christopher Gabriel
29. when did we meet: in town
30. how did we meet: either you randomly started talking to me, or vise versa
31. describe me in one word: AWEEEEEEESOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!
32. what was your first impression: whoa!!! she is...just whoa!
33. do you still think that way about me now: hell yeah
34. what reminds you of me?: uh Hellmas
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: great balls of fire.
36. how well do you know me: not too well i think.
37. when is the last time you saw me: when i just looked at your avatar
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: nope
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: if you want.

Mallek Adalov
Community Member

Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 11:17pm

What would you do if I...
1. died: i'd be sad
2. kissed you: i'm gay so i'd be realy creeped out...
3. lived next door to you: that'd be fun
4. started smoking: i'd tell you to stop
5. stole something: i'd tell you to stop
6. was hospitalized: i see you in the hospital
7. ran away from home: i tell you to go back home
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: i'd ask what happened and treat your wounds

What do you think about my...
9. personality: it fun and crazy
10. eyes: there pretty
11. hair: it's shiny
12. family: i don't know them... sweatdrop

Would you...
13. be there for me: yep
14. keep a secret if I told you one: yep
15. hold my hand: yep
16. take a bullet for me: depends
17. keep in touch: yep
18. try and solve my problems: i do that for all my friends!
19. love me: *is gay* so no
20. date me: *is gay* so no

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: no
22. wanted to kiss me: no
24. wanted to kill me: no
25. broke my heart: no
26. kept something about you from me: no
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: no
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: when your counting backwards it does! ^^

28. who are you: Arata Shinotiti (that's my nickname and i like it ALOT better than my accuall name)
29. when did we meet: School
30. how did we meet: other friends
31. describe me in one word: fun!
32. what was your first impression: your aura was pretty
33. do you still think that way about me now: yep
34. what reminds you of me?: what reminds me of all of my friends (there fun to be aroundness)
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: *thinks*
36. how well do you know me: well
37. when is the last time you saw me: school
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: no
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: probably (or you could just reply the answers)

TR-Fallen Angel
Community Member

Sat Jan 03, 2009 @ 11:46pm

1- you die i die and then i all my friends had to die then there friends would die then the whole world die of course
2- slap you and kill you (see # 1)
3- have a party
4- kill you (see #1 again)
5- yell at you...wait i do that already i will do it louder of course
6- cry and then laugh and then slap you wondering why you got hospitlized in the first place
7- make you hide at my house
8- yell at myself for not being there of course
9- its fine for a crazy person
10, 11,12- there fine and always have been
13-18- yes of course
19-20- uh noooooo (love like sis yes though)
21- 22-24-26-27-no
28 asma
29-school your first day there
30- first day of school you were new it was 5th grade
31- outrageuos
32- you were my buddy like i tyhink of everybody
33- yes of course
34- you of course and a chipmunk like the one we wanted to save but our mom made us putit back
35- a hug and a charm braclet
36- like a sis should
37- 3 yrs ago
38- noo not really i tell you everything thats in my head
39- yesh of course duhhhh

Community Member

Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 02:16am

What would you do if I...
1. died: Be sad?
2. kissed you: o.o I have no idea.
3. lived next door to you: Come and visit.
4. started smoking: Lol it's bad but if you wanna do it go ahead.
5. stole something: Laugh.
6. was hospitalized: Come and bring you flowers lots.
7. ran away from home: No idea.
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: Thats not my business.

What do you think about my...
9. personality: It's sweet.
10. eyes: Um..nice?
11. hair: Same as above.
12. family: Don't know them.

Would you...
13. be there for me: Sure.
14. keep a secret if I told you one: Yes.
15. hold my hand: If you want.
16. take a bullet for me: Wow. If i knew you well enough i sure would.
17. keep in touch: If you wanted me too.
18. try and solve my problems: Try.
19. love me: Sure thing :]
20. date me: uhm..I don't know.

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: I think so.
22. wanted to kiss me: I don't think so.
24. wanted to kill me: No lol.
25. broke my heart: I hope not.
26. kept something about you from me: Yepp.
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: Nooo.
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: -_- no. But you could make it a twenty three if you cut the eight down the center.

28. who are you: Matt?
29. when did we meet: Ages ago now.
30. how did we meet: In towns through Nick I think.
31. describe me in one word: Cute.
32. what was your first impression: I don't remember.
33. do you still think that way about me now: No?
34. what reminds you of me?: Ummm..
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: Happiness...CORNY XD.
36. how well do you know me: Not very at all.
37. when is the last time you saw me: I don't see you.
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: I guess.
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: No. I don't useuallly do these, not even for others lol

grim vallor
Community Member

Sun Jan 04, 2009 @ 11:00pm

What would you do if I...
1. died: mourn ur loss every year
2. kissed you: well i would definatly kiss you back with all the skill i have
3. lived next door to you: hang out with you every chance i got
4. started smoking: hell ill buy you ur first pack
5. stole something: tell you that every body makes mistakes
6. was hospitalized: hold your hand till you got better
7. ran away from home: say you could stay with me till you worked things out with your family
8. got into a fight and you weren't there: be dissapointed in my self cuz i wasnt there to help you out if needed

What do you think about my...
9. personality: different
10. eyes: never seen them
11. hair: never touched it
12. family: never talked to them

Would you...
13. be there for me: if i could in person
14. keep a secret if I told you one: i dont gossip
15. hold my hand: every step of the way
16. take a bullet for me: self rightous suicide is the best
17. keep in touch: always
18. try and solve my problems: if you didnt want to solve them on ur own
19. love me: ofcourse
20. date me: if i was closer to your age

Have you ever...
21. lied to make me feel better: never lied to you
22. wanted to kiss me: perhaps
24. wanted to kill me: not my style
25. broke my heart: not as far as i know
26. kept something about you from me: hell im pandoras box gurl
27. thought I was unbearably annoying: nope...
23. noticed that twenty-three comes after twenty-seven: yea when pigs fly i guess

28. who are you: kevin
29. when did we meet: our past life
30. how did we meet: on gia this life
31. describe me in one word: I cant
32. what was your first impression: she is unique and adorable
33. do you still think that way about me now: yes but there is more to it
34. what reminds you of me?: an x i had
35. if you could give me anything what would it be: the moon
36. how well do you know me: to tell you the truth i dont really know you but thats why i like to talk to you
37. when is the last time you saw me: ha.... never
38. ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't: yea but that doesnt matter
39. are you gonna put this on yours to see what I say: probably not but i wouldnt stop you from sending this to me...

The Mighty Groggymonster
Community Member

Sat May 16, 2009 @ 10:35pm


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