This heartbeat pains itself...
It tries to take a step; it's been turned inside-out
Now with each step it crushes the hopes it's swallowed
The vessel doesn't realize it's...
Taken another fall; it's already stood up, fake stitches in place
The wounds mean nothing, it thinks they've healed themselves
This heartbeat forces...
A smile through it's throbbing veins, a veil
and the vessel easy accepts this mask, and wears it
The vessel is...
Naive, don't speak to me! it wants to scream
but the hearbeat objects to make another ache
This heartbeat finds...
It's mouth, it's form of escape, and sews it shut
and the blood and tears build inside
Until the vessel feels...
The explosion, as the heartbeat ends, it discovers
it's a form of suicide to hide and wait for...
Veritas to expose itself
(Veritas = the truth)
I wrote this for something online; it was spur of the moment...
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Regularity vs. Perfection
There is a difference, you know.