she gently grabbed his face between her hands and pulled him closer. kissing him bitterly, but sweetly, she said

Whaa~! It's Febuary~!
*squeels* that means Valentines Day is coming~!!! *blush*
It also means that it's almost March, or the beginning of spring.
Hmph stressed stupid winter. stare
Internet is working so slow on me today gonk
Eh, I went to sleep at 2:30am last night, and woke up at 7:30am...
*yawns* let's see... *counts fingers* eto, only 5 hours of sleep
*ferociously gulps down coffee*
Whaa~! It's Febuary~!
*squeels* that means Valentines Day is coming~!!! *blush*
It also means that it's almost March, or the beginning of spring.
Hmph stressed stupid winter. stare
Internet is working so slow on me today gonk
Eh, I went to sleep at 2:30am last night, and woke up at 7:30am...
*yawns* let's see... *counts fingers* eto, only 5 hours of sleep
*ferociously gulps down coffee*

...but she will still felt that bittersweet emotion. she looked at him with one last sad glance and started to walk away