1. Q: How Do you get music on my profile, yeah, that little music thingy!
A: It is kinda simple. But first, you must have an account on www.projectplaylist.com. Once you do that, you have a player. Then you can pick all of your favorite songs! Don't worry, you can add more songs later. Once you do that, follow this link which simply leads to were you can download the player to all of your favorite sites! Choose the player you wish to add, cause later, you can get multiple play lists. Never mind the link. It doesn't work. Go to it's home page and click on the small box under were you can enter songs on that big main box. It should have Myspace, facebook, etc. on it. Go there and it should have letters were it has sites. Choose gaia, unless you want to download them so someplace else, but that's not what this journal is about! Fill out the easy question form with simple questions like: "What color do you want the player to be?" Get the code! Copy the code. Go all the way back to gaia (What a pain) and edit your profile layout. Add one of those media boxes, and finally, paste that code there! Don't forget to save, and feast your eyes on you magnificent playlist that you worked forever on!!!
2. Q: How do you get a background, other then the ones they provide?
A: Easy one! Just pick were you want it from:
1-www.Tektek.org is were you can create a dream avatar and find some profiles, too! You don't really need an account here at Tektek. Once you are there, select Gaia Profiles and a list will come up! Select one that you may want, or you can type in a subject in that little search bar thingy. Choose one you want, and try it out. If it's to your liking, copy the Profile Code and there should be a link to your Theme Override Box. Go to your theme override box, and paste your code there! It must be on what it say like, CLASSIC or OLD SCHOOL because it will not work if it's not. Congrats, you've got a pretty profile for your perfect profile!!!
2-Your still not satisfied with your profile?That's okay,cause www.photobucket.com probably got what your looking for! You must have an account there though because you need an album. Once that's all clear, look for a photo you want! Found one? Awesomeness, now save it to your album, and go to your album or keep looking for some more pics, and go to your album. Wants your all set, you can move on and copy your IMG code. All set? Now head back over to your profile, and Edit your profile Layout. Choose theme and go to the little mark that says "Photobucket." Fill out your username and password if this is your first time using it, and paste it on the bottom box. Click add and the pretty picture becomes your perfected profile background! Don't forget to save though! View it and enjoy! Now you have a picture like this: