There were times where the 69/46 crew had some embarrasing times ^//^; hehe
um yea o////o;....shawn and i got into a huge fight with some monster and um >///>

oops ^///^...hehe!

xDD Kini threw the volleyball at booms head! i thought that was funny xDD...but kindof embarrassing (espeacialy when it was during the CHAMPIONSHIP!!) xDD

O//o;...kini fell ontop of shawn right after they fought for the remote xDD

xDD Momo finally got that sword fish from that STUPID machine that cheats u >_>....xDD this was hilarious!! (kini, tekee, nom)

LMAO!!! Secks and boom...

LMFOA!!!I vidoe taped kini being chased by a bear xDD Man i lol'd so much xDD

lol!!!xDD kago doesnt look happy

Lol!! Kini tied up blueh so she wont reach her teddy bear collection


xD tekee tripped momo xDD

xDD kago pushed boom out of the way!for some cookies!!!xD

secks is busting out some moves!!!xDD

(noms butt is near tekee's face) XD

shawn: Momo wants to do sumtin perverted to u!>o> ...Momo: >8D xDD

xDD Kini just got PWNED!!!by nom!XP

..shawn made boom play a perverted game xDD

...O yea this was embarrasing...Panic got drunk and started to rape tekee's leg xDD

um...panic doesnt looked embarrased