Wow so i like it when people comment about my avatars in the arena and i try to comment back. how ever there are sometimes when certain people don't need to say why they hate it, yes i know people will not like i am aware of this. how ever it makes you wonder how shallow and vain these people truly are. like when they vote low because it doesn't have the most expensive s**t on it. when this one gaian commented back to me on my profile it should be the most recent one first look at her, yea she seems the vain type second my comment was going to be back PHHHBBBTTTT razz but all of a sudden her profile is no longer public perhaps im not the only one she pissed off. the kicker is my title of my last arena entry was boredom or world domination and even i said 3 or 4 times under my comments on the avi. PEOPLE READ FIRST