Mint Tea...
You are Mint Tea!
Naturally sweet you have a happy-go-lucky attitude. The world is full of fun and wonder! Although you can be naive at times and quite aloof to your surroundings you know how to have good clean fun! Most people see you as cute and very gentle by nature and it is most likely true. You have a great outlook on life and you try not to let things get to you. Go you!

Akito Wanijima
You are the original Fang King, but you created an alter ego when you realized how violent the job of a King was. You are a very sweet person who is very devoted to your emotions. You are also extremely adorable, and have all the yaoi fangirls grovelling at your feet because you're the perfect uke. You can get a little mischeivious sometimes (like with Kururu? We're watching you, Akito.) and you are stereotypically very in touch with your thoughts.

You are a Pomegranate...unconventional, unique, and just a little bit tart...you know how to make a lasting impression and often do so with your zest for life...