all my friends are asleep aright now and i know i should get to sleep but....
I'M EMO!!!
i don't sleep!
which is why i have dark rings around my eyes...
instead this 13 year old girl plays her DS all night and think about her beloved, andrew!!
my papa said i couldn't go on tha computer on the weekdays until i get sleep and gain weight...
right now i weigh about......(dare i say it...)
75 pounds!!!
not good...
i hate the food in the lunch room so i don't eat it....i give it to some person who is willing to eat the poisonous crap at my school!
well i'm sorta a stalker.....(i think)
i always watch the way my....er- friend (yea, let's say that..)
acts on the other side of the lunch room...
it's funny...most of the time until i see him with some other a** i don't like...then i turn away...until my friend points it out (which won't be long cuz they are always looking out 4 this tiny person)
you guys know i'm retarted in a good way and i'm really always soo caring soo think about meh toight...or the next or the next cuz i'm good that way.
or...i'll haunt you're wonderful dreams just by staring at you while your sleeping with my horribly dark (but really sweet, loving and cute..) and evil eyes....
i'll haunt you.....
soo....dream about this young and ghost-like girl....dream that she'll always be with the one she really loves......
or i'll eat you in your sleep....hey..i'm sorta hungry too.....will you be my next meal?? twisted
dream.....dream...about me....love me......then i love you back and i'll always be there for a friend......
and i'll also be there to watch the death of anybody before i eat them....(a.k.a. Tara)
dream....it's your only hope to get away from my ever-lasting hunger issues..........
if you wanna see what my insides look like then i reconmend that.......
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