This entry will hold things that can't be fixed but things that I'm still unhappy about. It should clear up a lot of space.
- Initial Thoughts - (FITH)
New! To all of the mods that have been working your asses off after the devs/admins' mistake: Thank you. You guys handled this really well and I appreciate the hard work, dedication, and effort you put into giving us our wonderful Site Feedback back. <3
And to all of the SF regs, good job reporting those threads, helping out the poor, misinformed users that came running over here, and for keeping (mostly) calm throughout it all. I love SF. <3
I've mentioned it a bit throughout this thread, but in case any one doesn't know it - I really want the GRanger items to come out. They were shown off years ago, around 2005, I believe, at the same time that we were shown the Squid set, which is out in gold shops.
Over time, users have been getting more and more upset over the lack of a gold shop update containing these items. You may have even seen a thread here in the SF about it. It's caused a lot of hostility towards devs like Juno, but recently I PMed her about it, and she was kind enough to allow me to pass on the information that she gave me:

And here's the full (but censored) PM to prove that it's from Juno.
Just for all of those that wanted to know.
- Advertisements and Sponsorships - (FASPO)
- Today, Gaia, you've gone out of your way to put an intrusive ad on the homepage. These ads are against your advertising rules, and we are encourage to report ads that are intrusive and talk. So, why, Gaia, have you gone against your own rules just for a sponsorship? Why is it that this sponsorship (which was kind of cool until now) is being intrusive and shoved down our throats when we were promised that sponsorships wouldn't be intrusive at all?
-According to this article:
The company’s other revenue source are ad campaigns created to run within the world of Gaia. Before launching these, Sherman says, they solicited subscriber feedback, to find out which potential advertisers they wanted to see in the world— and which they didn’t. (Cool fashion brands got the majority nod; big American auto companies, however, didn’t.)
That should tell us something.
- Aquariums - (FAQUA)
- Cash Shop, Evolving Items, and Monthly Collectibles - (FECM)
- heart A 49 cent EI? Thank you Gaia! heart heart My only problem with this item is the fact that it encourages Towns usage, which is not really something you need to be doing right now.
Update! What's the point of testing how well a $.49 EI will sell if you're not even going to put effort into it? The giant breasts were lopsided. The mens abs looked weird. The giant a** is lopsided (though it does raise my confidence about my own butt ;D) and the spandex gives the males bulges. Really? Really? Lord forbid we stand or sit near someone too quickly in towns, but go ahead and put on some massive lopsided breasts and give male avatars boner bulges. Nice logic!
- The new Celebrity Snare items are ridiculous. They're expensive and of a quality that shop be in gold shops, not the cash shop. The hat for Justin Timberlake looks just like the Gunner hat (I believe that's what it was) minus the feather, and brown. We already have jumpsuits in the gold shops, and $4 for a single pose item is, to put it simply, insane. Simply outright insane.
- Events - (FEVENT)
- Like I said, we are still supremely disappointed in the lack of an Easter event that was promised to us. We understand that there wasn't enough time or resources, but you should not have put the Easter items into the Cash Shop. That was an insult to your users. What's worse is that we weren't even told anything about it. Easter came, and there was no event. You basically left us hanging, not saying a word until it was too late. The damage had been done. There's no changing the past, but you can at least guarantee that it doesn't happen again. And if it does, you could at least own up to it before the day the event is supposed to take place.
- Events should come first, before new features that we aren't aware of. We don't/can't go into Site Feedback all the time and yell and demand new features that we don't even know are being worked on, so you don't need to rush everything so much. You can postpone them to work on the event, and then work on them again. Since we don't know about what you're working on, we can't be disappointed. But we will be disappointed when the event date comes along and nothing happens, with no rhyme or reason, no announcement letting us know not to bother caring.
- The Christmas event was nice, although extremely short.