Sexo , Drogas , y Rock 'n' Roll...
what blood means to me...
red is the color of pain come alive...
the thread used to mend
the shield I wield , and a scent of iron
cool steel against my flesh
deny me not this the dark red that seeps into my white scarf
let me be free , because this is me
and as it slips... i loose my grip
and my world fades into dark..
reality looses all meaning
I become Alice.. lost and alone in a mind of hopes
I see death and life they combined...
i see a spool a thread that no longer held..
a butterfly flew next to me...
and everything thing seems not right
the world collapses onto itself..
and as I try to come back..
this dream... it has me...
and all that is left is the red color...
the color of our pain...
.......cause I'll never be the same again...
Es el lema de tu Generation...