{ } Go to France
{ } Go to Japan
{ } Go to England
{ } Go to Germany
{ } Finish my Doujinshi
{ } Make a Phoenix Wright Doujinshi
{ } Go to first Anime Convention
{ } Go to ten Anime Conventions
{ } Start drawing my own manga
{ } Hold down a Girlfriend/Boyfriend for three months
{ } Make it into Artist's Ally
{ } Make it into Artist's Ally for five conventions straight
{ } Update my Deviant Art page with everything I've drawn since my last update
{ } Become a well-known artistfag on /y/
{ } Become fluent in French
{ } Become fluent in German
{ } Become fluent in Japanese
{ } Loose twenty pounds
{ } Get my grade in English up = w =
{ } Successfully program a computer
{ } Move back into my room
{ } Move westward
{ } Get art featured in local art showings
{ } Win an award for something
{ } Regain the internet fame I once had before loosing it all Dx
{ } Get a life
{ } Finish the Phoenix Wright game series
{ } Finish The World Ends With You game
{ } Finish the .Hack//G.U. game series
{ } Finish the Star Ocean game series
{ } Finish reading Loveless
{ } Finish reading Vassalord
{ } Read a novel that isn't required by school
{ } Get a job
{ } Pass the Eighth Grade
{ } Maintain sanity
![]() Scabs McGee Community Member ![]() |