As she walked down the hall,all Santheria could think of was Link's face.His body.It just was so....Perfect.Thuogh,she was a magistic,and he was a mortal,she did not mind.He had an accent,a perfect face,and was very charming.All day long,she would have to be WITHOUT him.It would be hard,but tonight,she will have dinner with him,and ask him to love her.She wished to marry him.Spend their life toguether hopefully.Soon,very soon,she will see him once more.
Now its night,and Santheria telegraphed Link to come and have dinner with her.She set the plates down,and also the placemats.Then she sat down and straightenned her dress."Hello maddam Santheria.How are you?"Link said,then bowed politely.
"Fine,"Santheria said,gestering him to sit.
"Fine.What is this for?"Link asked,smiling.
"Oh,I'll talk abuot that later,just eat first,"Santheria smiled.She ate very slowly,stealing glances at her love.
"What is it that you want,ma'am?"Link asked.
"Well,i want you to know,I don't want you to leave to Lenithea.You could be killed!And besides,you could stay here with me,"Santheria said.
"Can't,loved to,but I can't.....,"Link said.
"Well,then,marry me.We could have children!Family.Anything you want!"Santheria said,hoping she didn't screw her chance up.
"I-I am sorry.I do not love you.And i won't have children with you neither.You always expect something from someone.Things you don't deserve,"Link said.
"Wha-.Ooooo!Why you,you kissed me!You said you'd be happiest with me!!"Santheria said,confused.
"I did,but only to make you happy,and leave me alone.."Link refused.
"Hehe....You will pay for you're foolish choice,"Santheria said.
"What will you do?You can't use your powers on me,"Link said.
"Ha!You will pay.."Santheria laughed."You will,"with that,Santheria sommoned the spell:"You can only be freed from this spell once you learn that you love me!You'll turn into a different creature every 20 years!"
New York.
Over 100 yaers have gone by,and I've been turning into a different creature every twenty years.I go to a different world,every 20 years.The animal that I was in for twenty years dies,then,I go to a different world,then the cycle goes on.It was just yesterday when I turned into a King German Shepard.I was sent to New York,whatever that place is called,to live.First,these damn humans put me in a cage!Who do they think they are?I am way older than them.Why they treat dogs like this,I do not know.If only i wasn't in this form,I'd bring out my sword and slice their guts.Anyway,they then put me in a different room.They poked this,this pointy thing at me!Oh,they are so lucky.You know what they did next?They put this stick thing is my rectum!I just could have bit them.I was then put back INTO the cell,which was very small.A man,old man,came and saw me.He smiled,talked to the person by the counter.He gave her green paper,then pointed at me.Where i came from,almost everyone had a dog.So,I had to pretend to be a dog.I wagged my tail very fast.So hard,I nearly broke my tail!How do these dogs do that?This man gets a long string,then clips it onto my collar.Tugs it.The worst thing anyone could do to ME!He tugged it.At first,he did it softly,then harder,harder,harder,then so hard I just couldn't fight back.Lucky b*****d.He gets me out of the cage,then hits my head!I didn't even desserve it!He kept on doing it.As if he was mocking me,he started to whistle.How???!I was abuot to snap at him,but a pretty nurse looking woman came out.My red rocket began to come out.Oh no.I just had to....So how do I do this?Bend my body this way....that way?Aaah,to my right.So yeah,I lick it.It goes down.I then look back at this fine lady,and she looks digusted.If I was able to,I'd wink at her."Come Robert,"the man said.I barked at him,alot.This dude had no respect for me.You follow me sir.I am your captain.Your main commander!But,then he pulls me to this big thing with wheels on it.The thing has doors on it.Who would ride on this thing!?I hop in,then he starts this car,and speeds off.The man didn't even care if I was back here.I flung here,then there,then all the way over here!At last,we get to a stop.This dude had a castle!He brings me in there,but the place is empty.No furniture,nada!Why am I here,if theres nothing in here?I snifff around,and there's no food in here for me.Where's he going to take me?He then,puts me back IN the four wheeler thing.We drive for three hours non-stop.He drops me off in the middle of a street.Why if he bought me?Waiste of money...Well,now i'm my own..I trot down the street in search of food.Empty trash cans,speeding transporters,and kids played around on the sidewalks.Awww!!!Poor doggy!!Oh,you so cute.Let me take you home!"a women,seems to be of the age 30 cried.Huh,cute,very cute,didn't know I was that appealing.Might as well let her take me.She leads me to a little house,wich is a good size.
"Mom,where'd you get that?"a little girl,abuot the age of 10 asked.
"He's a stray.And.....He's your early birthday present!!"
Apperently,this little girl's birthday was soon,and,usually,in his time,they never celebrated a birthday early.
"Thankyou mamma!!"the little girl squealed with delight.
"take him around the house,he'll then know the whole house."the mother ordered.
"Ok,come on!Mamma?Whats his name?"the little girl asked.
"hmmm,Robert is his name.He's going to have to get used to it,so use his name alot,"the mother told her.The little girl moved me thruogh and aruond the house.It was very interesting.
"hey,who's this?"a mascular and a quite tall man asked.
"well,he's....."I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation.These humans acted as if I were a god.That's definetly how I shuold be treated."Come on Robert,let me get ya some water,"the little girl told me.I followed her to a room that was small,and smelled of food.She let me go,and i sat and smelled the room.Something good was cooking,and I was lucky enuogh to be here.Yes,this life would be better than the other lifes I had.The little girl poored me a bole of water and set it on the ground.Does she expect me to drink this?Well,it's better than nothing,for I am dehydrated.
Ryanne!Did you get him something to drink?"the mother asked.
"yes mamma!"Ryanne replied.Well,now I know this little girl's name.She then left me in the room by myself."I am tired."I told myself.I plopped myself on the floor then fell fast asleep.
"Is this the dog?"a voice asked above me.
"yes,say hi to Robert!"the mother told the voice.
I openned one eye and saw a little girl,younger then Ryanne,staring right at me.Was I that facinating?
"Awwww!You so cute!!!"the girl cried.
Leave me alone you!I wanted to yell.I hadn't slept in awhile,and she was bothering me.I wagged my tail,aiming it at the girl.
"ow!You stupid dog!"the girl screamed.
"he's not stupid.Now,go away if you're going to be like this!"the mother ordered.They brought me to a door,and openned it for me.They all went outside,except Ryanne.Oh well.I went outside and followed the male around.I couldn't dominate him,so I decided to join him in an alience.He looks like a man from my time.Buff,and had a deep voice.Suddenly,I saw Ryanne sitting by the dorrway,looking at me.Her eyes.They were beautiful.Our gaze,Ryanne and I,lasted long.The more I stared,the more I felt protecting her.They looked like they were telling me to protect and love this little girl for the rest of her and my life.We just stared at one another,neither looking away.Soon,there was only me and her in this world.Now,i know,that my purpose here was for Ryanne.I don't know why.It just,felt that way.It was as if,this was the realest thing I felt.If I could,I'd stare at her all day.
"come on Ryanne!Come out here!"the mother commanded.
"alright"Ryanne said.
"how dare you use your powers on Link!He was one of the bravest men mortal alive!Now,he's gone,due to my spell,and my spell was due to your folishness.The mortal king will look for him,and if he finds out that link has gone,war will brake out,"the king of magistics told Santheria,who was smirking.She always liked it when her king was furiuos.If only she'd her powers.But the king took them from her.His soulmate,Natateh,was a mixed.Elven and magistic.The king held her hand and never seemed to want to let it go."You will never get your powers back,but will live forever in shame and misery,"the king said.
"Aww.Kingy dear.Have you gone mad?"Santheria said in a girly impersination.
"No,you have.Why risk an eternity just for a foolish non-love sort of thing?It is only the looks that you want,Santheria.Not the person inside.That is how I found your queen,"the king smiled to his love.
The queen smiled back in her motherly way."You may go now.I do not want to see your ugly little face,"the king said.
Santheria stomped off.How dare he tell me that!I love him more than anyone.And,its true!She went to her room,and broke evrything in site.
"My,my.Rage much?"Nate,a little joker teased.He then ran off before Santheria could hurt him with her non-magic hands.She layed herself on the bed and ripped the matress with her claws."Why,I'll have Link back,all by myself,"Santheria chuckled.
New york
The moring comes and I awake early.Everyone but me was asleep.I roam aruond the room to comfortable spot and lay back down."Link,Link!Come to me!Come to me!I love y-"I awake as soon as I heard her voice.Just a dream,dream,I hate you.Santheria had given him nightmares since she cursed me,and i had hoped she wouldn't curropt me anymore than she had.
Later in the morning,I awoke to a morining's light.I sniff the air,and Ryanne isn't here.I look all over the house.Where is she?!Santheria couldn't have gone this far.No,she can't,she couldn't!"Hey,good night sleep?"the mother petted me.She must not know her daughter was gone."Lady!Your daughter is gone!"I barked at her.She just looked at me and pushed me away."Mom,here's the mail,"Ryanne said,coming thruogh the door.Ah,she gets the messages.How dare this girl make me so scared for her.Well,now I could rest.
In the next 7 years,alot of things that scared me happenned.
First,was the fact that Ryanne always left home,places I couldn't go.
Then,I had to go in the backyard,unable to protect her.
Last,her mother.When I did something wrong,she would hit me.
I grew to love Ryanne-alot.She became the only dreams I had,thuoghts were destroyed by her beautiful face.Now she was 17,and she was only 3 years younger then me.Somehow,someway,I will make her love me,before our time is up.She would cry,and I would,too,if I died.So,something has to be done for us to be able to be with eachother,human and human.
I awoke this morining to Ryanne's petting.She smiled when I looked at her.I then licked her face and she laughed loud."Come on Robert,"she ordered.Thuogh that wasn't my name,I let her call me it.She gave me the nasty dog food,and water.Ryanne got her coat,the leash,and her socks and shoes and went and sat on the stepstool.She watched me eat.When I was finnished,she wiped my face.then she put me on the leash and led me outside.We walked 2 blocks from our house,and rarely 6 blocks.Today,we were going to walk 6.Abuot 5 blocks away from home,Ryanne took me off the leash."I hope you'll never have to be on this leash again.It's like taking a wild horse's spirit.Never again will I put this on you,"Ryane told me,staring me right in the eye.
"Link,I've found you!Come to me!Please!I need you!Who's this?Only someone who is in the way of you loving me,"Santheria called to me.
"No,never!I won't!"I yelled.
"Yes,yes you will!With the little powers I have,you will obey me and come,"Santheria told me.My world started to twist and turn,colors of all kinds appeared."Robert!"Ryanne cried.A car,as these people called it,was abuot to hit me.I couldn't move.I was in shock,totall shock."Move you!"Ryanne said,then shoved me to the side.Within moments,I came back to my scences.What I saw made my haert sink.Ryanne was on the ground,knocked out."Ryanne!I'm sorry,sorry!"I yelled.Wait,I was human.I-I loved Ryanne.This event made me notice that I couldn't live withuot her.I picked her up,and walked all the way to her home,tears rolling down my face,not alot,but some.When I got to Ryanne's house,her mother saw us and stormed out,yelling"What'd you do to her!?How dare you even touch her!"I couldn't tell her that I was their king german shepard.They wouldn't believe me if I told them I came from a hundred years ago.Neither could I tell her that I loved Ryanne."I-I"I hesitated.
"You....What did you do to her?And wheres her dog?"the mother yelled.
"I didn't do anything!I'd never hurt Ryanne!I know her better than all of you because I AM Robert!"I yelled back.
"No-nonononono.YOU are not Robert.The DOG is Robert,"the mother chuckled.
"Do you want me to prove it?"Link asked,hoping he could turn back to the form he was in.
"There's no way..,"the mother squeaked.After she said that,I changed back to the german shepard!"So...You are the dog?"the father asked.
"Did you just not see?"I asked,I was quite mad that she was mad at me.I was mad at myself for letting Ryanne get hurt.
"I did,"the father replied.
"Well,do you have a hospital around here?"I asked.
"Yes,get her into the car!What is your real name then?"the mother nearly whispered to me.
"Link,"I told her.Why did she whisper anyway?These people in theses times are quite weird.
Well,I was overjoyed that Ryanne recovered from the hospital.No broken bones,only bruises.When she came home,the first person she wanted to see was the dog.But I was the dog,and her mother had to explain everything to her.Abuot a day later,Ryanne was finaly convinced."If you really are the dog,you'll remember all the things I told you.Do you remeber?"Ryanne asked me.
"Yes,and I always will for you,Ryanne,"I replied.
"Ok...,"Ryanne smiled.She then grabbed my hand and we ran outside.We ran all the way to a pasture,where the sun shined down most.We threw ourselves onto the green grass and layed there in silence for abuot 5 minutes."D-do you like,love me or something?"Ryanne hesitated to say.
"Yes,"I said withuot hesitation.Ryanne's heart skipped a beat to my answer.she didn't know why thuogh.It was confusing."I know it's weird,but the minute I saw you by the porch,when I first met you,I fell in love with you.I wanted to protect to in every way I could.I wouldn't be here long,well 20 years,so I wanted to make you love as fast as I could,"I answered honestly.She leaned over and pecked me.Both of our hearts fluttered."So,you're only 17,but when you become the age,will you marry me?"I asked,looking at her.
"I will when I move out of my parents house,"Ryanne smiled at me.Her smile made me smile,wich made me want to yell as loud I could to the world that I loved Ryanne.
more shall come soon!!!keep watching!reading I mean.
Morining has come,and I am awake early as always.I look around,and no one's awake.Sheesh.I almost forgot I was human again."Hey,Link,why are you awake so early?"Ryanne asked sleepily.
"I'm just used to getting up early in the morning,that's all,"I said,smiling at her.
"Well,I have to get ready for school,and you need clothing,so,I'll get some from my dad,ok?"Ryanne asked me.
"Ok...,"I answered.She ran out the door and went to her father's and mother's room.She came back with really baggy jeans and a phat pharm shirt."Does he have anything else to wear?"I asked her.I just couldn't wear that...
"You're really gonna make me go to the mall,aren't you?"Ryanne asked.I could tell she was grumpy,so I smiled."Oh yeah,just smile,that's great,"Ryanne said sarcasticly.She grabbed the keys and grabbed my hand,we both ran to the car."You,get into the passenger seat,"Ryanne told me.
"Why can't I drive?"I asked her,smiling.
"Because you have no permission to,so there.Get your seatbelt on.If I'm late for school,you're dead,"Ryanne told me.I listenned to her and put my seatbelt on.
When we got to the thing Ryanne calls "the mall",she picked out jeans,a shirt,and underwear."Why do I need underwear?"I asked her.
"Wha-?"she then found out I had no underwear on."Uh,um.Cus,it's good for you,"was all Ryanne could say.We drove home in a rush,in silence."Soo,you nervous?"I asked her.
"Nervous,nervous abuot what?Why wuold I be nervous abuot something,"Ryanne said,between words she looked at me.I silently laughed to myself.
We walked into the house,and Ryanne lead me to her room,and told me to put on the clothes she bought me.She went into the bathroom andturned on the shower.I was a vry curious person,and I wondered what would happen if I looked at her while she was taking a shower.I laughed aloud.So,I waited for a minute,and walked into the bathroom,and didn't see her.I become suspicious,and looked into the shower.No one."AAAAhh!!!"Ryanne yelled.She came out of nowhere and jumped on me-with nothing but a towel and undies on.Both of us laughed,and then we fell on the bed."Hehe,"I laughed.
She looked me right in the eye,and pecked me.I then pecked her back."Uh,I gotta get ready for school,brush your hair,"Ryanne said.
She then rushed into the bathroom.So I put my clothes on,and layed on her bed. .
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