Just a mini fanfic...
"Ca-....-at....Cat!" Jasdero cried. He was probably worried. I slowly tried to open my eyes and suddenly I could feel a warm kiss on my lips. I opened my eyes really quickly and was flushed. I couldn't remember anything from yesterday. I tried to move but I was chained against the wall. Jasdero still looked worried at me. I wanted to comfort him with a hug but instead I gave him a warm smile. I felt very very weak so it was difficult to smile. "Jasdero...where are we?" My words were weak. "Dero doesn't know..." He sounded sad. Then I noticed that he was staring at my right eye and looked terrified. Though it didn't feel like a great idea to ask but I wanted to know. But just before I spoke, a blooddrop touched the ground. No breath passed my lips for a while. An expression could be read on Jasdero's face. I could read the situation and was frightned. A scary voice laughed at us. My eyes searched for the sound but all that there could be seen was a black emptyness and near me, a doll.
I could hear the laugh again, but this time, closer. Soon after a terrible scream followed. I was stunned of fear. I never was this scared before. We're we next? Jasdero clinged to me. I couldn't tell if he was frightned too or if he just wanted to comfort me. "Jasdero..." faintly I tried to speak. He looked up and wiped the blood away. "Don't be affraid, Jasdero's here~" I smiled at him.
Suddenly a sonic wave blew him away from me. "Jasdero!" I cried out. The laugh came again but this time a girl appeared. She was sitting on a flying umbrella. Another sonic wave hit Dero again. but it was so close to me that my cuffs were shattered. I collapsed and tried to sit down near the doll. "K...I...A...R...A... It's Kiara Foxami, the one who loves the Noah Twins..." She grinned.
I activated my Innocence making my claws appear. She instantly hugged me. "I am Road Kamelot. The Noah of Dreams." She said with a playful tone. I raised my claw but I just couldn't slash her. She was a Noah, just like Jasdero. I couldn't hurt her. She grabbed my claw and slashed herself. I was stunned. Why would she kill herself!? Suddenly a hand grabbed my shirt. Road pulled herself up and grinned. Her face was healing up slowly until it was fully healed.
She floated away with a scary look on her face and raised her hands making pointy flying candles appear. Soon after she sent them towards me. Some missed but my right eye and one of my cat ears were not spared. I shrieked in pain. Road laughed. "Aren't you a pity? Maybe Debitto can take your pain away~" She turned a chair towards me. In it was a paralysed and possessed Debitto.
"Devi!" I was suprised that I still could yell. "Now he's my dollie <3" She said while she clinged to Devi. "But I don't need Jasdero as my dollie." She sent some of her candles towards Jasdero. He was still unconcious from the sonic wave. I gatthered all the strenght I had left and protected him. Suddenly he regained conciousness. "Cat!?" "Go! Go get Devi and escape from this place!" knowing what I was doing, and knowing that I would pass out and die soon... He nodded and it seemed like he knew too.
He ran towards his brother and whispered in his ear. "Devi, devi run! Cross left us some debts again!" Devi jumped up and shivered. The materalised a door, gave me a last glance and escaped. I smiled. "Atleast you two are safe." I let my guard down. Road grinned. "I might lost the Twins but you'll be fine too!" she attacked with her candles. I collapsed before they even hit me and I passed out.
The first thing I saw when I woke up was the full moon. "Hey Jasdero! Get some water!" Devi yelled. Dero did so and left us alone for a while. "You feeling alright?" Devi asked. I nodded. "Road..." "She left you for time being. She likes her dolls to move." I sighed in relief and smiled.
He he crouched and placed his hand on my cheek. I blushed. "Thank you for saving Jasdero." he said while he leaned in. I did too but Jasdero returned and we both looked at several directions. He was quiet. "Dero." devi said while Dero nodded. They both pointed their guns at the bucket with water which Jasdero had brought. "Blue bomb!" They both yelled and they froze the water.
Devi broke the ice and pulled his shirt of. I wondered what he was going to do and watched. He put the ice in his shirt, firmly bound it and placed it on my forehead. "This should help." he said as he smiled. I looked at Jasdero who was jealously watching. I didn't react on their behaviour.
We stayed there for some hours. A chirping bird could be heard but suddenly the sound was replaced by a strangled chirp. It was near. "Dero will give Cat a piggyback ride, heehee~" he smiled. Devi seemed like he didn't approve it but he hushed. I layed my ear on his back jsut to hear a familiar heartbeat. Devi watched us all the way. Then I noticed that I hadn't opened my right eye yet... I was affraid how they would react and I wondered if it would still hurt.
Time passed by quickly. The moon was slightly disappearing when we arrived at a tavern that was called: Pig's Bitt. We entered. "There's only a room with 1 bed and a room with 2 beds left." the lady behind the bar said. I crawled of Jasdero's back an watched both keys. They started argueing again. I snatched a key and ran upstairs. They both followed my lead. I entered the room and locked it from the inside.
I dropped myself on the bed and layed down. I grinned when I heard some noises coming out the room next to mine. A yell folowed afterwards. I had chosen the room with 2 beds so Dero and Devi should sleep on 1 bed tonight. Yes, I'm evil. I know it. "Make room Jasdero!" "Devi is too fat, hee!" Suddenly I heard a crash. "Stay away from her!" Devi yelled. "Cat loves Jasdero and Jasdero loves Cat!" I felt kinda bad. After all, it was my fault... I gave the impression to them both that I love them.
All the hours that I slept, did me good. I felt great. No pain,my right eye had healed up though my cat ear was still damaged. I opened my eyes and soon after fell out of the bed while I screamed. Jasdero was staring at me while I was sleeping. "How did you get in!? The door was lo-" he instanly hushed me be placing a finger on my lips. I pushed his gentle finger away and pointed at the door. "Go!" I yelled. "Wait outside!" he looked confused but he really left.
I filled a bad soon after and stayed in it for some time. I bound a towel around myself and left the bathroom, looking for a comb. Suddenly someone tapped my shoulder and I accedently dropped the towel that was around me. "Hey Cat have you se-" Devi asked. He looked at me and he blushed. We shared some glances and out of the blue I screamed at him. "Get out!" In a rush I picked the towel up. He ran outside and I locked the door behind him. I locked myself up for the rest of the day.
I knew there was going to be a singing compitition in the tavern. And I was eager to join too but I didn't wanted to see Dero and Devi for a while. The only way to avoid them, crawling through the window and hoping I wouldn't fall down. "Cat come out!" Devi's voice broke my thoughts. If I would meet up with them... I just would burst out in tears. I couldn't hide my feelings anymore. "Yeah! Jasdero is sorry heehee~..." His voice always calmed me down... "Open the door or we'll kick it in!" I walked towards the window, smiled and climbed outside. "We're coming in!" and I fell when I heard the door being kicked. Luckely some bushes broke my fall. "Cat?" Sorry Devi... "Cat? he?" Silly Dero...
I rushed inside, hoping that they didn't followed me. "You're late!" I was being cursed by the bar lady. Whatever, do you even care about it? The words lied on the tip of my tongue but I swallowed them. She glared but I just didn't care and shrugged. She pushed a mic into my hands and made I sign towards the stage. "Alright, alright..." I was somewhat getting pissed without a real reason.
I stood on the stage but couldn't think of a song to sing. Kinda forgot to think about a song. Then something snapped inside me. Like I seemed someone else.
"Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. Maybe someday you'll look up, And, barely conscious, you'll say to no one: isn't something missing?
You won't cry for my absence, I know - You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant...? Am I so insignificant...? Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?
Please, please forgive me, But I won't be home again. I know what you do to yourself, I breathe deep and cry out, Isn't something missing? Isn't someone missing me?
Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?
And if I bleed, I'll bleed, Knowing you don't care. And if I sleep just to dream of you I'll wake without you there, Isn't something missing? Isn't something...
Even though I'm the sacrifice, You won't try for me, not now. Though I'd die to know you love me, I'm all alone. Isn't someone missing me?
The crowd held their breath. But soon after I was being cheered on and they clapped. I looked around with a smile and spotted Jasdero and Debito... I gasped. They were kinda..supirsed. My hand arised and waved at them. It didn't take them a long time to stand up and run towards me. But the arguing started soon after. I sighed and walked outside. They followed.
"Cat wait!" they both gasped for air as they yelled. A teardrop ran of my face. Damnit! Don't cry now. They both grabbed my arm, pulled me close and hugged me tightly. "Why is Cat crying? He?" Dero asked with a warm smile. "Hai, you don't have to cry. You sing beautiful." Devi said while he stroked my hair. I pulled myself out of their grip. "That's not it! Not at all!" The tears ran of my face.
Carefully Devi grabbed me by my shoulders and looked into my eyes. "Tell us." Devi calmed me and Jasdero wiped a tear or two of my face. I was dull and shook my head. Devi continued to look. "Please?"
"B-Because of me, you two are always fighting... And I don't want our friendship to break because I love you both..." They both gazed at me when I spoke those words. "You..you can't choose." Devi said with a disappointed tone is his voice. I looked down. "Jasdero..." Devi looked at his brother who nodded afterwards. "I'm sorry.." My last words were like a knife going through my heart. It hurted but I walked away.
I had made a small distance between us when I suddenly heard a lullaby. But I was shocked by the gunshot that followed after. I gasped and stood still. Had...Had they shot themselves?!
A hand grabbed my shoulder. "Cat." The voice sounded familiar but somwhat unfamiliar too. I slowly turned around and saw a long-haired boy with some black, dark-ish streaks in his blond hair. I was nailed to the ground. I'm scared. My thoughts were the same for some minutes. I'm scared... He smiled. "We're Jasdevi."
I gave him a strange look. Who is he? "Now you don't have to choose anymore." he said while he tilted my chin up. The look in his eyes made me feel confortable and they reminded me of... "Jasdero?! Debito?!" I couldn't believe what had happened. "That's us~" He softly giggled. "B-But ho--" he instantly hushed me by bringing his finger on my lips. "Shhh... Keep those questions for later." After that sentence he placed his hand on me cheek and leaned in. My heart was pounding heavier than always. He kissed me. It felt warm and nice and we deepened the kiss. We broke it after some time.
We sat down against a nearby tree. "I love you." His soft and tender lips moved as he spoke those words. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head upon his chest. He bgan stroking my hair and I closed my eyes.
"I love you too, Jasdevi."
Well that was it. This was my try of writing a fluff story. Though I think it's bad...
Posted by: JokaNeko Sun Apr 05, 2009 @ 12:36am