Age: He appears to be about seventeen, but his real age is unknown.
Species: Half-ancient angel
Gender: Male
Weapons:He carries a bow and arrow that can also split apart to form two sepearte swords connected by a chain. They can also link to form one huge sword with the chain acting as an extension for long range.
Powers: Makoto can somewhat see into the future. he often has visions of oncoming danger before it occurs, so he knows to stay away from the area in his vision, or to be prepared if he can't run. He'll sometimes even fight his own vision, giving him an edge to his upcoming opponent. Aside from that, when he sings nature reacts to the tone of his voice, and he can control the element of light.
Personality: Makoto is a friendly individual. He is quick to help those in danger, but he doesn't know how to react to an unfamiliar situation. He is scared of men however, and he won't let anyone besides girls come near him. He doesn't try to make a move or anything, his hunting by twenty male angels left him in fear of men.
Eye color: Blue
Wing color: White
Hair color: Silver
Blood type: AB positive

Bio: Makoto doesn't remember most of his past. He remembers his mother's face and voice, but before that it's all a huge blank. He lost his parents at a young age, and other angels attempted to hunt him down, calling his parents traitors and him a 'heathen.' He didn't know why they said these things. They constantly hunted him, and whenever they found him, they ripped his wings off, beat him, sometimes even raped him, then let him go just to hunt him again. They never bothered to make it so his wings would never grow back, they enjoyed hurting him too much. They continued to do this for twenty long years. He was around 25 when he started having the visions that warned him of their coming. He was able to start avoiding them, and after several years they gave up on looking for him all together.He learned of his life's passion, and went to a regular human college and earned a degree for being a doctor. Though this encounter left him in fear of Men. Ever since he was able to escape, he's had visions of a girl. He dreams of the girl every night, he usually sees her swinging on a tree swing, or sitting in a tree branch. He has dedicated his life to looking for this girl and finding out who and what she is. He was recently accepted as the royal family doctor, he hasn't seen anyone yet though. this is his first day.