TAKS week!
Well, it's here once again. TAKS (Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skill). Man, I hate these tests with a passion, but there's nothing you can really do about it. And the moment you enter the classroom, it feels like your heart just wants to beat right outta your chest as if you're high school graduation depends on it, cause it DOES! Who even came up with these tests anyway? Can't we just pass all our subjects and go to high school? The tests will last all week. I'm just glad the first one will be over Social Studies on Monday since that subject seems to be my strong point. What I'm definitely not looking forward to is the Math. Science might be ok, but I'm still pretty nervous. gonk Ugh, well hopefully the week will go by fast so I can just get these tests over with. I just hope I pass. If I don't then I get held back...eep eek