I have a problem with biting my lips.. where I use my teeth or fingers to rip off the skin off my lips...... I know how I described sounds disturbing to you, but I suck at describing sometimes, so bare with me lol! So I end up having blood on my lip lol. It just became my habit after I tried to stop biting my fingernails. Like I have to bite something. Lol me a vampire?! XDDDDD NO WAY!! O__O Hahaha noo~~ Vampires only bite neck, remember? hahaha well.. they also bite the arm..... from Twilight movie.. I guess that's the new generation of vampires, they bite everywhere now. The old school Vampire only bit the neck area o__O;; I wonder why the neck.. does the neck area have the most blood? o__O;;

Oh yeah I watched the movie, Uninvited. I was right! That movie is a remake of the movie, "A Tale of Two Sisters" Korean horror movie! But they just changed the bit of the setting and the story. I actually liked the movie, Uninvited more because Emily Browning and Elizabeth Banks was in it. They were both great actors in that movie! Even though the ending kind of gives you like "WTF!?!?!" But.. that was one sexy revenge!

A Tale of Two Sisters
Blood Ciel · Tue May 12, 2009 @ 05:02am · 0 Comments |