Seasons passed
My people are
Avian, Robin
Avian, Robin
I stand
Member of the Royal Flight
Member of the Royal Flight
I was born
People say...
Azra is ambitious and naive. Her greatest dream is to serve the Tuuli Thea in any way possible, and to help fight off the Serpiente. She's very head strong, and often times doesn't know when to give up. She is very bright and eager to help in any way possible, though she tends to go too far, even to the point of annoying the people she‘s trying to help. She's dedicated to the royal family’s safety. Strangely, she doesn't dream of peace or any such thing as that. Azra is, quite simply, a people pleaser. Her greatest goal is to be helpful in any way she can. If that means helping to stop a war, than so be it.
Azra is quick to loose her temper, but is not quick to act upon it. Instead of blowing up or going on a rampage, she prefers to wait it out, hoping for the right moment where she can strike back at her enemies. It is because of this patience that she is able to help serve the Tuuli Thea as part of the Royal Flight. What she lacks in independence, she more than makes up for in battle skills and an iron will.
Through my life, I have seen
Azra Archer was never the calmest of children. She was more than capable of keeping the ‘avian reserve’ when necessary, but enjoyed the time she had to herself when she could let loose and just be herself. Trouble is, sometimes she just couldn’t wait. Ever sense she was young, many of her own people have seen Azra as strange, but not enough so to be considered and out cast. She was a tough little girl an always tried her best to behave. That has carried on now, even into adult-hood. She’s become quite the people pleaser, and doesn’t like being thought of as strange of different. She was always just a little more up-beat than everyone else.
Even though she was denied several times, the very stubborn little Robin ended up earning her way into the Royale Flight, a task which took a considerable amount of self-control on her part. Azra trained every day and made herself stronger, just so she could prove that she was more than that “kooky” girl that not a lot of people talked to. If she could serve the Tuuli Thea well, maybe other people would see that too. Azra knows that she has to be on her best behavior around other soldiers, and especially around the Tuuli Thea and Micah.

Seasons passed
My people are
serpiente, Green Mamba
serpiente, Green Mamba
I stand
Personal Guard to the Sari
Personal Guard to the Sari
I was born
People say...
Orin is not a very vocal sort of person. It is not unheard of to hear him speak, but he much prefers to listen and watch as things happen. He knows that he is not meant for the spot light, and enjoys watching those who are. Orin is quite the people watcher, and tends to be one of the more observant people in a group. He is protective of his Sari, as well as the many friends that surround her. Orin is very much the "strong silent type" mixed with the "big brother" type. He is happy to be able to serve the Cobriana line as best he can. He not only conciders himself the Sari's guardian, but also her friend.
Through my life, I have seen
Orin comes from a family that has, through out the years, been very close to the Cobriana blood-line. His family has been there for the Cobriana's in many different occasions, as they have been for his own family. Their current testament to that is Orin who, upon seeing the horrors of war first hand through various battles, took it upon himself to watch over Dinah and keep her safe, even before she became the Sari. For most of his life, he'd thought of her as a younger sister, as well as the many friends and family to whom she gravitated.
He does not approve of Dinah's meeting with the Avians. He doesn't trust them and fears that they may be using this as a ploy to further the destruction of the Cobriana Bloodline.