"Still In Love"
Open your eyes and you will see that it is true that im still in love with you, dont turn your back on the truth, I love you, I love you its so true, so, plz dont turn your back on me, plz dont ever forget that im still in love with you....
You just dont know how much you mean to me, i will walk till the end of the earth just for one smile, ill do everything and anything just for you, thats how much i love you
And when your in doubt look about and you will see that Im right beside you, i willalways be by your side when your in need, so, look about when your in doubt and you I'll bethere right beside you forever and ever, so, plz dont turn your back on me now... JUST OPEN YOUR EYES!!!!!!!!!!
This one is called "Darkened Light" (still kinda working on this one) and yes i wrote these
In the Dark, All alone, With out you im on a hole, Always in the dark with out you, Pick me up, Come back to me, Im so in the dark, Help me out a this cause i cant do it on my own,Im digging myself in farther every time you take a step away, with out you i feel as if im sinking deeper into this hole, im going nuts,so lost in this DARKENED PLACE, Where have you gone,why have you let me to die in this Dark and lonly space, You my light , but, now im lost in the dark and lonly place,I need you, I miss you, You my light In this DARK AND LONLY WORLD.... im in the dark with out you....
Need help nameing this one Give me ideas please im not done with it yet but this is what i have so far!!
My half, Your half fit together, im your other half, Your my other half, We have finaly found the other piece of our puzzel, i Have found my other half, Im ready for all those hard times to come, Im ready for anything as long as your here beisde me, you complet my heart, Your mine, im your's, Im so in love with you, We are comeplet and perfect for eachother.....
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