 Name: Red Phoenix (Red for short, The Phoenix for formal occasions.) Gender: Male (Though he claims female. One of the two most gender confused people in the Groups) Phycial description: Age: 18 Hair colour: Brown Eye colour: Glassy blue Items always found on him/her: Pheonix hair pin Optional items: Qi pao with a phoenix on it Usual emotions: Places usually found at: Job: Negotiator Skill: Gravitas Group: BMS Leader
Character Infromation: - Is an elder sisterly figure at the orphanage (mostly due to influence from his parents), and "adopted" the entire BMS as his family - Is capable of charming others with just a look from those eyes. - Is a "love-baka", a total idiot at love, who uses Ray and El as the 'perfect' example for love. He is totally not interested in falling in love. - Due to the effects of his magics, his lifespan is severly shortened. At the start of the events, he had 9 months left, which also resulted in the above point. - He had 3 forms. The first form is a normal guy, who .... looks normal. His hair is short in this form, due to the longer hairs being tucked back by his phoenix hair pin (which is also tucked under his hair, so it can't be seen). He is capable of using Gravitas in this form only. The second form is his Red Phoenix form, where he dons his infamous Red Phoenix Qi Pao, a red one with a yellow phoenix near the bottom of the Qi Pao. In this form, he is always seen with his phoenix hair pin, and uses needles to attack. The third form is him in just (debatable) a over sized pajamas top. This form only appears when Red is in sever lack of sleep. He would then attack anyone (everyone) who distrubs his sleep with his needles. It is said that he is the most dangerous in this form... In his free time, he can be found in various dresses/ skirts. - He is currently junctioning the spirit, Phoenix, one which Seiji is supposed to free. While not being summoned, the spirit sleeps in his hairpin. While in form one, if ever stripped of his magics, he would pull out his hairpin and summon Phoenix's strength. It would then transform into a flame sword. - He is extremely agile in his form 2 and 3, especially 3. In his thrid form, he is practically undefeatable. - He is a capable leader, holding much power in the group. Many fear him, either his blackmailing ways or his power. Most noticably would be Erai's and Silver's reaction. Erai would flee once Red is in range, while Silver would remain behind, calming chatting, while hiding uder a table. This only applies during "usual" time, when Red is in his BMS mode. However, when he is commanding, everyone would obey his orders. - He started working as a arms negiotiator for the mafia, and due to his parents' shock after discovering his job, is recuited by the BMS, and had the role of leader thrown at him. Aku-sama (his father) is still not yet coming to terms that his son might soon become his daughter. - - (to be edited ) - -
Love interest: Sound Seeker- The little Sound Seeker adores him, but it seems like an unrequited love to observers... References: Form 2: Form 2 Form 2 again Form 2 attack Form 2 Headshot Form 2, cool headshot Red-sama with his hair let down Piccy Close up of piccy
Form 3" Form 3 Form 3 again
SashaFey · Thu Jun 11, 2009 @ 06:39am · 0 Comments |