Images in our heads--but empty words?
Have u ever felt like you had the most creative images in ur head but when you try to decribe it, you feel like your words are empty and flat, like they don't even compare to wat u r seeing in ur head? I do. I hate it. I write stories but they don't compare to the wonderous thoughts and images in my head. Sometimes i get so frustrated stressed that it cause me to stutter when i talk. I wished that there was some tech-thing--a computer maybe--that could write down exactly wat i see in my head, every little last detail. I wamt someone to put it together. I just thoughtof it, i just want someone to actually make it. I feel like people think im stupid when i can't answer a question with a thoughtful answer. But sometimes, to decribe what i want to say in words, i have to write it down and than i have to choose my words wisly. Same goes for art. I have this wonderful picture in my head, i mean im a really really good artist, but i want more. i hope u know what im talking about
 My Dream Avi