So here’s PART THREE!
This will include Kat and my little sister Madge (Nenfere, on Gaia). Again, Kat is Cassandra from SC IV and Madge is Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. Now Madge only wore this for an hour and hated EVERY SECOND OF IT (you can tell by her face. rofl rofl rofl ). But she said that if we bought it, she’d wear it.
So we did and she complied.

Now, here’s Madge. We bought that bra to make her boobs look like ON PURPOSE! Ha. She has no boobs, well, some. But not Lara Croft boobs. ANYWAY, Madge is six-foot-two. SIX TWO. And she has looooong a** hair. She was perfect for her. Hee. And the little orange ties on the weapons were required to show that the cap guns had gone through weapons check and were legal for the con.

And I thought my legs were long… Well actually, my legs are about the same length. Her torso is longer. Ha.

The Photographer told us to smile. So… Kat and I did. Madge…. Didn’t. Lol.

Another one of all three.

Kat. Here’s that smile that’s laced with, “I’m going to rip your balls off if you don’t stop taking pics now”.

Styrofoam was our choice pick for the weapons. NEVER AGAIN. I painted her shield~ <3

I love this one. It cracks me up everytime I see it. XD

Hee. More of Kat.

I like this one!