Yesterday, I came up with the best idea I've had in a while. While I was mindlessly surfing the web I heard this guy on T.V. talking about the tattoos he'd gotten. That's when it came to me. I've always planned on getting a tattoo at 18. And then there's the fact that My sister and I are pretty big MSI fans so why not get them as our first tattoo? Now, before you get your panties in a bunch and start calling me stupid or stalker-ish let me explain. We ARE NOT getting portraits of them...sort of. We are going to get puppet versions instead. (MSI IfVinyl) On our shoulder blades. With their names underneath. Then I decided instead of each of us getting two, how about we let 4 of us get one instead. So Taylor and I selected Kim and Heather (possibly) to join us on this epic adventure.
Kim, will get the epic Jimmy Urine, Heather getting the loveable smart a** Steve Righ? Leaving me with Lyn-Z (naturally) and Taylor getting the amazing Kitty (sorry Clara.) BUT if Heather whimps out Taylor has volunteered to take the task of getting two. Taking the lovely Steve Righ? as well. One on each shoulder blade. (No tramp stamps for us!!!) Taylor also formed the idea of us flying to London, getting the tattoos and staying there an extra week. (How will we get the cash? No idea.) But she's hell bent on the idea so why crush it? TO any of you saying I (Along with Taylor and Kim) will chicken out you better bite your tongue. We are dead serious about this, and we will go through with it. =P

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