Name:Tsuki Ronmaru
Race: Succubus
Charm: Can manipulate the opposite sex with her looks (weak hearted)
Demon strength
Demon Speed
Kiss of the witch: Can poison her victums via kiss
Dark Magic: Can conjor spells of the dark arts
Blood drain: Can drink the blood of mortals or demons for life and strength

History: Long time friend of Xaumeric's has been known to act pet like around him and is over protective when it comes to other wemon around him. She secretly wants to be his lover but just deals with fact that he's completely oblvious to it.
Baek Masters
My user's name is: Xaumeric
My name...well my name is: Baek Masters
My age...I am: 21
Well as you can see I am a: Boy
Well I like: Women
I am a: Lillin (male succubus)
My weapon of choice: A scimitar named Pure Havoc
This is what I see when I look in the mirror:

What can I do:
Temptation: Once he maes eye contact with one of the opposite sex he can easily sway them in anyway he wants.
Swift: Has hightened speed
Strength: Has hightened strength
Perception: Has hightened sences
What I like: Metal, Art, Women, and Sado-Masachism
What I dislike: Men, anything soft, stupid women and cigarettes
My life: Baek is a natural player, its in his nature, he toys with womens, emotions and then takes them home to only break their hearts the next day. Its all in the life of a lillin. Why he does this he doesn't know its just natural.
What hurts me: Baek is afraid of love, though it sounds fullish, he has seen the effect of love, and when he feels a women has gotten to close to him, he lashes out.