A tribute to all the people who have donated to me over time. I love you all! I may not get specific with some who have given me alot, because they just know they're fantastic.
-pyschomancer-kitten-ninja: Autumn Glory, and too many wonderful things.ily! heart heart
-Deathmotto Owner Of Souls: 10k whee
-Bob Biscuit: Way too much stuff incl. inks, ghost cape, gold, fish. ily! heart heart whee
-Im as lonely as the Moon: Elemental Hair. Such a sweetie whee
-LaBrian: Inks and tickets, such a legend <3
-Papit Kupios: 7k and his RP which is making me rich with every post heart
-Menachan: All those adorable random gifts! heart whee
-Lady Kenina: Black and Gold Bangles <3
-AngelRoseUni: Dress of the Swan, Black Tavern Wench Bustier heart
-SkyGanko: 4820k, 22+k and Kottan Bell 5th gen heart heart whee heart
With every donation comes a post. I love everyone here.