Well...about a week and a half ago, I had another breakdown...not unusual..but for once, this one felt life changing and real...I cried, which is a real shocker It takes a lot- and I mean aLOT- to get me to cry...I was at my grandparents...it was a long story. Some of the things I don't remember why I was angry, but then again I do..some of them were stupid reasons. Luckily, Brittany was there to help me through it, though. If it wasn't for her, I'd probably go even more insane than I already am....We can really relate to eachother. She's like the split in me. Like a sould who split into two. Sounds korny, I know, but still. It's how I feel towards her. I really do think I'm schizophrenic. My friends think I'm faking it, or don't believe me. They try to give me false facts about it, when I already know the truth. They don't know what goes up inside my head. Brittany sees it, but then again, like I said, she's Brittany. That girl pretty much knows me inside and out. We're eachother's savior,...well...besides you-know-who from above, if you want to get religious. Anyways...back to last week. My cousins were in town, and I went to see them. Saw Chrissy again. Problem was, she acted like another Stephanie. For those of you who know me personally, you know what I mean. Attitude and everything. Couldn't stand it. When Brittany came back with me on Sunday afternoon( I left satuday morning over to Brittany's house to go to church with the the next morning. Chrissy got angry with me, but from the beginning, I honestly didn't care. She tried playing the guilt trip on me, but it didn't work. I love that girl a lot, but I already had this planned out.) When we came back to my grandparent's house, chrissy was in a some-what angry mood. Her boyfriend had just broken up with her, and I tried to give words of comfort, and she shot it back in my face. I snapped back, so she would shut up. Brittany was there, and the look on her face...not so happy with Chrissy. But she didn't notice. That was the beginning. Later, I finally got to hanging out with my cousin Justin, Christine's older brother. She did something to him that got me pissed, but I suppressed it. That happened later on though.