And the first two I uploaded before flipping my photo booth pictures, since for some reaosn it takes mirror images. ._. ...


Yeah I'm totally just playing now. >w<

The end ^w^

I was spooking myself out by propping the mask up in the hood, it looked like it would jump up and get me! XD

Ad this is the AWESOME Dumbledore display that Sharla made at work today. The robe that he's wearing is one that she made! It's.... of course better than mine, since she actually knows WHAT she's doing. XD Oh well, I loved it... I'm trying to talk them into letting me put a tombstone by Dumbledore. XD
I made so many mistakes. ~sigh~ I like it, and hopefully it's billowy and baggy enough that you won't be able to tell, but I just wanted to scream.... but I'm glad to have it done @_@ The hood turned out great, which is what I was afraid of. :Sweat: The trim needs work though, I mean the hem of the two layers, I still don't know what to do about the trim now that it looks like I don't have enough FOR the trim >3>
Oh well... I'm still happy and proud of it... thus far. XD
I ADDED A CLASP! Really it's just two buttons with a chain linked between the two of them XD EASY! But it's really pretty I think. ^w^

Ok, just curious, how does the chain look? It's not attached yet, I was trying it on.


And then the other eyebrow is going to be made out of rhinestones. ^w^