This is the first time I actually post my own thread
For any art requests you can PM, comment, oooor order through this thread. I do not except less than 10k unless otherwise
1. (cheapest) 6k for a simple one person sketch
2. 10k elaborate sketch, extra details
3. 12k extra people
4. 15k one person color/no background
5. 20k one person color with background and details
6. 25k 2 buddies or couple, small details/no bacjground
7. 30k 2 buddies or couple, details with background
for self included in couples or groups 1k more, thats for the fanart
1. Fanart sketch of one person is = 10k
2. Fanart sketch of two people is = 12k
3. Fanart sketch of group is = 16k
4. Fanart one person color = 13k
5. Fanart of two people color no
details or backgroound = 14k
6. Fanart group colored no details
or background = 17k
7. Fanart one person detail/color/
bckground = 13.5k
8. Fanart two people with detail/color/
background = 16k
9. Fanart group self included
detail/color/background = 22k
Other specific not mentioned requests ask me through thread
PS. dont make me draw something perverted please, cuz i wont draw it
oh and, if you feel my art is worth more than the prices, can add upto 2k plus, no more. i dont want to make people pay more...
ALSO...if you dont want to pay with gold u can just trade me something worth the value of the art, unless the item is in my wishlist and is something i really want...bribery is a certain extent xd
so...are u gonna order or wat? 3nodding whee heart heart 4laugh
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basically i made an account but i have no friend its sad but true sniff sniff
ask me random questions smile they can be good/bad or Q's tht u want know about me... all Q's r Anonymous ♥ ASK AWAY
Add me on facebook biggrin dont be shy and say hi smile
Add me on facebook biggrin dont be shy and say hi smile
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