I've come to know that I miss your love....
While I'm not missing you!

Name: Sarah
Age: Unknown
Race: Demon/Human
Class of Demon: SoulShedder
History: Sarah has been a slave most her life even though she is one of the most dangerous demons she is still half human and does not enjoy her demonic side. She was born outside of Sheoul and raised by her human mother until she killed her by accident on her 16th birthday when she came into her demon half. Which is part of the reason she hates her demon form. After that she slumped into a depression that cause her to be caught by Sheoul slave traders and sold off to the highest bidder, she has changed masters many time due to the long life of soulshedders. He most recent master used her as a hunter of rare items and once she found them she noramlly killed the owner of said item and left with it. Until she tried to steal a tome from a man named Lucas who had started to grow on her. She then made the choice to kill her master using her demonic form. The battle was long and bloody and she some how came out on top and alive again thanks to the man Lucas. Now she wonders, not sure what to do with her free time.