Ryan Looked at the Dog with the Strangest look compared to a Fishcake.. The Panda called Tom, Looked at Ryan and Screamed "I want my Freakin Lemondade!" Ryan shook his Head, Completly Confused on what was going on. The Chuck Norris Zombies began to Sing the National Anthem as Sharks Crashed Threw the Window. The Panda Tom Still Screamed about Lemonade though.. and the Zombies began to dance while people from Texas Peed on the Dryer.
Ryan ran out to look for some money to tip the Chuck Norrises.. But Instead found a Plane Parked outside the Bar.
Ryan and Tom Walked into the Plane, Seeing it was Filled with Blonde Alaskans. Tom Attacked them Ripping out There Kidneys to sell to the Black Market for a Pair of Shoes.
Ryan Looked at the Plane Controls , Seeing that they were Simple Enough to use and Decided to Fly it. The Plane Flew up into the Air, and Tom Began to Panic, and Tried to take control of the Plane. Not having any hands however, caused it too crash.
The Plane Crashed somewhere in Canada.. or as its known everywhere else HELL!
who149 · Thu Aug 06, 2009 @ 02:49am · 0 Comments |