....as a were-wolf
Casey sat at the table staring off into the distance."Case!(my nickname) wake up! u gotta eat come on were gonna place a good game off ball tag" one of my friends said. "yah hey wait dint 1 of the teaches ban that?" one of the guys said."duh! thats y were gonna play it!" he high 5d us. "awesome!" i said. so at recess while the dude were getting a ball i was getting my wolf instincts on! so when they came back i was ready. they trew it at each other for a while then tried me. i got down on all 4s and then the ball wized by my ear. o growled then as theguys went to get the ball i turned on my wolf instincts to the max. they aimed it at me and the ball came really fast but i dodged it. then i turned around but they threw it at me again and it went passed me but the dudes were like"that got u ur it" so u kinda have to go with it. so i went into the spirit realms and changed my spirit into the grey wolf. it enhance my abilities and i easily won.