ohh, i forgot to mention...
today was the first day of band camp! *shoots off bottle rockets* It was okayy. We had squads, and so squomps (squad competitions)- well, one today. We had a "march-off." Our squad leader had us march from the 45 yard line to the 50 and stop. And the squad after us did about face and stuff, and looked all intense (though we were considerably more enthusiastic with our responses to "band, atten-hut!" wink . Buuut our director has like ADHD and forgot to declare a winner. Lulz. We were outside for three hours and then it got too damn hot so we went into our nice, air conditioned auditorium. Ugggh. Note: carrying bari sax case up two flights of stairs with a bag over one shoulder and a stand in one hand is suckish. Why did I not pick flute, or at least stick with alto sax? Oh, that's right. Cuz bari sax is amazingly awesome. whee Aaaanyway. I took like an hour long shower after coming home and it was freezing cold. It was niiiice.