Klax A Nousjadeul-Ger Battle Suit pilot and former commanding officer of Andre (known as Andrus to the Zentradi) during the Metulisis campaign against the Invid many, many, many years ago.
 Jamen The impetuous captain of the Quiltra-Quelamitz Class Gunboat Zaz, he is impatient and belligerent. He has his Ex Glaug from the Invid campaigns and uses it if he feels the soldiers under him are not performing.
 Xyra A Metran who serves on the Zaz as Jamen's second-in-command and usually is the one who leads the ship's mech forces into battle. She is calm, quiet and studies her enemies while she's not fighting them.
 Aayla The shortest of the Meltrandi in the fleet she is often mocked and treated as a child. She is a capable soldier and has no qualms destroying anyone who is a threat. Aayla has also spent the most time of any Zentradi in the fleet being Miclone sized. She is very as Klax puts it: "Hyper...like a Miclone in heat."
 Bootz Leader of the Meltran Squadron on board the Meltran Gunboat Gorn-el, she has a simmering dislike for Xyra and a bitter rivalry with her. Often their commanders put them in situations that will pit them against each other in terms of winning objectives and place bets on which one will win.
 Tye Tye is leader of the "Blue Jax" team and is actually a Macro-Sized human. He was chosen as part of a volunteer program to spend six months on a Zentradi vessel and he decided to get transferred.
Artan Zuill · Tue Aug 18, 2009 @ 11:29pm · 0 Comments |