Chapter 2- Assemble
The sun was beginning to go down. The bright orange, yellow and red colors filled the soon to be night sky. The wind picked up and blew right in our faces, then I figured out how Riefaa knew there was a werewolf here. The scent. The scent was like a mountain breeze scent that can only come from one werewolf pack. Lupin's pack.
Lupin is the eldest son of my father's greatest enemy, Wselfwulf- The werewolf that almost took over Locke Lynx land a couple of years ago and was also the one who killed our uncle. Lupin and Wselfwulf are both conniving back stabbers that would do anything to get what they want, sadly our uncle was the one to pay the price for trusting them.
"You shouldn't show your back to the enemy you know?" Lupin's arrogant voice came from the statues. We turned around and noticed that there was something wrong with the statues, there was one more wolf. Lupin. He's taken his wolf form to blend in with the statues. His stone gray fur blended in with the stone statues as did the large mass of his wolf body. He grinned that slimy grin of his, "My you've grown Christopher and Cain. How long has it been since we last saw each other. Hmm was it 5 years ago when your father stole the property of my great grandfathers?!" He growled as he morphed back into his human form. His eyes were fierce. They shone black as he stepped out of the shadows of the large statues. His short sideswiped gray hair glistened against the sunset colors.
Christopher and Riefaa began to hiss and bare their teeth to him as he approached us. The sight of him made my blood boil. "Our father didn't steal anyone's land, not even your great grandfathers. He signed it over to us." I snarled at him. Lupin scoffed, "That's not what my father says! He says you stole it from my great grandfather! Your kind ganged up on my great grandfathers pack and ran them out of the land!" he growled. Christopher hissed loudly and shone his fangs more, his face began to wrinkle from all the rage that's building up inside of him. His attitude was like one of a caged animal that wants to break free from it's prison. "Whoa, down Christopher, you're looking more like a werewolf than a vampire." Lupin smirked. Riefaa stormed forward but I put up my arm as a blockade to stop her, "How dare you call Christopher a werewolf!" She hissed.
From the sweet hybrid girl that we were making jokes with before to this raging vampire who's looking for blood to shed. More specifically werewolf blood.
I took a quick look at her eyes and Christoper's, they both going under the spell. The spell of vampire vs. werewolf. Their eyes drew darker than their normal color and they began to snap at Lupin from where they stand. "Oh ho ho ho! Looks like you need to learn how to control the little mutt over there. Hybrids like her don't deserve to exist. They just take up space." Lupin's smirk grew larger. "You b*****d! Don't you even bring her into this! It's between your pack and our family!" Christopher roared. Lupin shrugged, "Fine, but she brought herself into this conflict by herself, she snapped at me first."
"Stop it! I said leave her out of this!"
"Oh ho ho, what's this?! Did I hit a nerve? Well bring it Christopher, I'm ready to kill you anytime, anywhere and I think it'd be best if we let that little party that your father is holding to watch us tear each other to pieces!" Lupin laughed as he licked his lips. "You!" Christopher said as he stomped off in Lupin's direction. I grabbed him by the back of his collar to stop him.
Damn it, I hate it when he's enraged. It's hard to stop him, not to mention now I have to make sure Riefaa doesn't rip him to pieces. If one of them were to get their hands on Lupin he'd make sure that he'd get his pack to kill the person who laid a hand on him, can't forget that he'll try to get the attention of everyone inside the mansion so they can witness a vampire killing him in his human form. That would make him happy, he'd get what he and his father want, the closing of the academy and also Riefaa, Christopher and I would be executed for murder against a 'human'. Actually the three of us would have to be executed twice, once by the humans and once by the vampire council.
"Come on Cain! Be a sport and let Christopher at me! Do it! You know you want to." Lupin demanded. "Do what he says Kerberos! I'm just going to rip this guy's head off!" Christopher ordered me.
Damn I hate not knowing what to do.
Out of confusion I grabbed Riefaa by the collar of her yukata and slammed both her and Christopher together knocking both of them out cold. They both lay there on the floor seemingly lifeless but just unconscious.
I'm gonna be in huge trouble with Christopher when he wakes up.
Lupin began to laugh at what I just did. "Ha ha ha! I can't believe you just did that! You must be stupid! Ha ha ha!" he continued to laugh, "Oh poor Christopher! Not so tough at all now are you?! Ha ha ha ha!"
"You know your laugh is really annoying and I don't like it, how do you cope with such an annoyance?" I said as I began to glare at him. No one makes a mockery of my brother. "Well I don't like you at all! You and your kind! I'm glad you knocked your brother and little girlfriend out cold! Christopher deserves that for all he's done! Especially for following in your father's footsteps!" He snarled at me, eyes fixed on me as if he were to kill me right on the spot. I exhaled and frowned, "She's not my girlfriend, she's just a friend! And don't ever blame Christopher for anything. That's my job and it's your job to tell your pack to get lost! This is vampire territory and we're not going to let some mongrels take over it! Leave now Lupin! You aren't welcomed here, plus your wet dog smell is stinking up the garden." I snapped at him.
I have no clue what I just said. Was it my sudden burst of courage to stand up to Lupin alone? Or was it just stupidity that took over and just decided to call out Lupin? I believe it was the second choice.......
Lupin's black eyes began to burn with rage, "Why you little!" He charged at me at full speed. He transformed into the giant wolf that he was awhile ago but this time he was ready to kill me. I stood my ground and readied myself to participate in combat with the wolf. A loud roar filled the sky and Lupin stopped his attack. Both of us were confused with what just happened then Leo jumped up from behind the statues of the hell hounds. The tiny hairs on his body began to bristle. The jewel on his head turned a black color and he was then engulfed in bright light, I shielded my eyes from the blinding light. The same roar we heard a bit earlier rang out when the light disappeared. And there replacing where Leo was before was a large lion like creature.
Its mane was the same color as Leo's fur and it's body was a blue color with the same white patches that Leo had on his feet and the end of his tail. Spear like horns sprouted from the creatures large head and it's canine teeth were look like those of a saber tooth cats. Its ears were just like Leo's and so were it's gold eyes that filled with anger as it looked at Lupin. The large scar over it's left eye was a bit intimidating.
It spread out it's large black wings and reared up on its hind legs. It almost dwarfed Lupin's wolf form. Lupin backed away from me as the large creature challenges him. It let out a loud roar and began to chase Lupin, who has his tail in between his legs, back into the woods that create the border of the large garden.
"Just you wait Locke Lynx! Next time I'm going to bring the pack and you'll be sorry then!" I heard Lupin bark from deep within the dark woods. I stared back into the woods and began to think about that large creature. "Was that Leo?" I asked myself.
"Cain! Cain my boy!" I heard my fathers worried cries come from the balcony portion of the garden. "Father." was all I said as I saw him, Forrest, Talenne and a few other people rush over to me. They stopped and gasped as they saw Christopher and Riefaa on the ground unconscious. "Cain wh-what happened?!" my father panted worried with what I was going to say.
"Ruby Alice!" Forrest said as he knelled down and picked up the unconscious Riefaa and cradled her in his large arms. "Christopher! Are you alright?" I heard Talenne's true gruff voice say as he checked for Christopher's vitals. He smiled and exhaled when he found Christopher's pulse still going. I swallowed in air then said, "It was a mountain lion." I lied through my teeth. The crowd gasped. "A mountain lion?" Talenne raised an eyebrow, which I hope no one but me saw. It came from the woods and tried to attack us. It targeted Ruby Alice but Christopher pushed her out of the way and got knocked out when the large cat rammed him into the fountain and he hit his head on it. It went after Riefaa again but she tripped and passed out as it pounced on her. I finally scared the cat away back into the woods and then you guys showed up." I lied to hide the truth from everyone else. I couldn't say that Lupin came along and tried to get us to kill him so everyone can see. No I couldn't say that. I guess I'll tell it to my father when the time is right, maybe after the party?
Father's face began to glow and he began to babel out something that I can't make the words out, "My boy took on a mountain lion and scared it out of it's whits!" he began to laugh out loud. I raised an eyebrow out of confusion.
Was my story that believable?
I grinned slightly to my father's delight. He began to brag to the on lookers about what I just said and they believed it too. "Oh! Forrest, I'm sorry for what happened to Ruby Alice. If you like, you could leave her in the guest chamber and I'll get a doctor." My father said in a worried yet merry tone. Forrest nodded and brought his unconscious daughter back into the mansion. "Talenne, need help with taking Christopher back in?" I asked checking if he'd need my assistance. Talenne nodded his head and told me to support Christopher's right side of his body as we dragged my brother's lifeless body to the mansion. With all the guest outside now my father decided to show all of them the garden.
Inside the mansion we followed behind Forrest, who lead the way to the guest room which I was amazed that he knew where to go. "So Cain, care to elaborate on what really happened?" Talenne grunted as we put down Christopher then he slung Christopher over his shoulder like a little rag doll.
Talenne Ikimono, animal expert and all around good guy. He's been my father's friend every since they were little kids and he was there when my mother was giving birth to Christopher and me. He's like our second father. His built is a bit like Forrest's but he's a gentle giant. He keeps his long black spiked hair tied back to reveal how nature can be brutal. Two scars that run down his neck to his chest from fights with werewolves, centaurs, unicorns and other creatures. Normal creatures like the mountain lion that I made up would never try and take him on. When he's going to take on an opponent his harmless hazel eyes turn a red color, that makes him very intimidating.
I chuckled, "You figured it out huh?" Talenne chuckled, "Yeah. Mountain lions don't really come down from their territory just to kill a person, not even a vampire. And I know they stay clear of vampires, heh experiences, so I know."
"Ha, so you were in the mountains this morning, plus you're right. You're the animal expert." I rolled my eyes. He punched me lightly in the shoulder and chuckled a little calling me a brat. "It was Lupin." I told him after his laughing stopped. Talenne groaned, "Oh you mean that little mutt from the mountain pack? He attacked you guys?" I nodded in reply to his question. "To think he's finally strong enough to knock out a hybrid and a vampire." Talenne's voice grew dark. He sighed then I explained to him what really happened to Christopher and Riefaa and what Leo did. He broke out into a loud laughter which caught Forrest's attention. Forrest looked back at us with the same serious eyes he had on before. "What's so funny Talenne?" He asked as he waited for us to catch up to him. "Oh just laughing about what Leo did to Cain!" Talenne continued his unstoppable laugh.
He knows if he told Forrest that I knocked Riefaa out that he'd try to beat me to a pulp. I know if I were him I'd be pissed off that some vampire that I barely knew just knocked out my adoptive daughter.
I continued to keep a grin on my face so Forrest doesn't sense any kind of deception, but every passing second that we had with him on the way to the guest room was very nerve racking, to me the giant Forrest Alabaster Vladimir is an intimidating figure. Just looking over to Riefaa, to see if she was alright, I would get a leer from the corner of his eye which was like a spear going through my body. If I only knew how to get on his good side.
Talenne and Forrest left me in charge to watch the unconscious bodies of my brother and new friend when we made it to the guest room. Christopher was placed on the other side of the room on the couch while Riefaa was placed on the bed.
I sat in a chair that was next to the window and began to replay the images in my head of Lupin's insults and threats to us. Just trying to hold back all the rage I had for him and try not to hurt him at the same time was very stressful. I wanted to tear him to shreds for killing my uncle but I couldn't. Besides, revenge is never the answer. I know that's what he wanted all three of us to do. I couldn't let that happen, just like Christopher when he threatened me about Leo.
Christopher..... I was surprised with him. I couldn't believe that he snapped so easily he's normally the one to tell me that he's not worth the fight and just ignore him. I wonder what could've set him off so easily. And Riefaa, I know I've only known her for a little bit but she doesn't seem like the kind to pick a fight. When she picked up Lupin's scent and she started getting serious that was surprising. I keep thinking that she could be bi-polar.
I leaned on the window sill and saw my father giving a tour of the garden to the guests. I was starting to become fed up with waiting for something to happen. Did I really knock those two out that badly?
I heard a little meow come from the door and saw Leo walking into the room just passing through the door like the ghost he is. I whistled to call him over and he ran over to me and jumped in my lap. He curled up into a little ball and fell asleep. I stroked his back, "Good boy." I praised him.
The doctor finally showed up and examine Riefaa and Christopher while Leo and I waited outside. I explained the situation and he took over from there. A few minutes passed and the doctor came out of the room and said that they were going to be fine and that I should let the two of them rest. And that's what I did. I went to my room and just tried to fall asleep.
That night I dreamt about what happened with Lupin, how Christopher was easily angered and how scary Riefaa and he were. Just watching them act differently is scary, it's like when they picked up that Lupin was there they just changed and went into their vampire state of mind, the state of mind that belongs to a killer. When those two wouldn't back down I was afraid that I was going to loose them to their inner monster. I never want that to happen again.
Morning dawns upon the Locke Lynx mansion and so far the maids, butlers, Leo and my father have been so chipper and cheery. But none of them are the person that I'm looking for.
I went down to the family library to look for Christopher, this time without the yelling, but he wasn't there. I checked up in his room but again he wasn't there. I even started to ask around but no one knew where he was.
Did he go looking for Lupin once he became conscious? No that doesn't sound like his chara.
Christopher is much more sophisticated than that and he won't go looking for trouble, unlike someone like me who always wants to brawl. But for some reason I didn't get the feeling that I normally have when there's a fight coming my way when Lupin was in the garden with us. It's like I was much more calmer and it felt like I didn't really care if he was there or not.
Once I searched the entire mansion I gave up the search for my brother and started getting ready for school which only consisted of taking a shower, brushing my teeth, putting fresh new clothes on and trying to keep my hair from going flat.
"See ya father. Heading off to the academy now." I yelled as I ran out the door with school bag in hand and piece of toast in hand. I jammed my toast into my mouth as my father called out after me, "Don't get into any trouble! It's your first day and it's my academy got it?!"
"Got it!"
I began my small journey to the new academy located in the Town of Myth's cemetery.
I don't think having an academy in a cemetery would be the best idea for those who are afraid of zombies and s**t like that. Then again this is my father we're talking about, and he likes to locate his property or territory near things like cemeteries and such, basically near things that have the look of death. Then again it was Talenne and father who picked the spot..... Hmmm I find it very odd that those classy humans and creatures who attended the Grand Opening party yesterday would want to an academy that is in the middle of a cemetery.
At the gates of the Academy I noticed a human figure run among the tombstones and family cells with ease. A ballerina like movement, quick, light footed and graceful, as if the person was just floating. Curious as always and looking for any kind of adventure, I decided to follow the figure into the grim looking cemetery.
A few minutes of playing spy, I realized that the figure led me to a large, old, run-down, house-like mausoleum near the south gates of the academy. Roots, vines, cracks and cob webs covered the building.
Weeds grew along the side of it, the cobble stone path crooked and broken down, something like in those old haunted horror movies. The kind with the college students going in and getting terrorized by ghost and crap like that.
Not really my kind of setting.
I hid behind a tombstone in the shape of a cross just about 50 yards away so I won't be seen. The figure goes inside of the mausoleum and disappears into the shadows that lurk inside of the dead building. I wait a few seconds just in case the figure comes back out of
the mausoleum and think to myself-
"Who's the person in the mausoleum?"
"Why are they there?"
"Could it be an enemy of the academy or my family coven?"
Enough waiting.
I get out of hiding and approach the mausoleum cautiously. I creep low to the ground just in case the figure inside see's me from one of the two broken windows facing my in direction.
Light footed I make sure that my foot steps aren't heard. My heart began to beat a bit quicker than usual meaning the adrenaline is starting to kick in. I'm ready to take on anything that comes out of the mausoleum and wants to fight.
Something cold lands on my shoulder and I jump a bit out of surprise and disbelief that I let something or someone come up behind me. I turn around quickly and notice that it's just Christopher. "Christopher! What are you doing?!" I hissed silently through my teeth. He turned his head slightly and tilted it with a raised eyebrow.
His light toned features were shaded darker by the shadows of the tree branches that hover over head. Christopher had a trickle of blood coming down from the corner of the left side of his mouth, he wasn't panting like he would after a chase for animal blood. Then it came to me. "Christopher, you drink someones blood did you?!" I asked as I dropped my guard slightly. Christopher touched the side of his mouth tenderly and looked at the blood stain that was on his finger when it came in contact with the trickling blood. He wiped his mouth and the finger with the blood on it, "No. I didn't. But can I ask why are you acting like a lost child?" he asked.
"Then why was there blood coming from your mouth? Did you get in a fight? Did you feed? What is it bro?!" I demanded in a whisper like tone for the answer. He rolled his eyes. "No I didn't get into a fight and yes I fed. But it was on a dead corpse."
My eyebrows came together out of frustration of his answer and confusion. "I'll explain later. Can you just tell me now why you were walking like a stalker?" Christopher asked as he crossed his arms.
I laughed nervously and began to wonder how much of my stalking did he see.
I explained to him what had happen and he responded with, "So you saw someone run into this mausoleum and you have no clue who it is?" he sighed, "Well I guess this is the place then." He said as he brought his arms down and tucked his left hand into his pants pocket. He looks at the surroundings of the mausoleum and nodded a little.
I am so confused with what's going on that I asked him what he was talking about. Christopher ignored me and began walking into the mausoleum with his head held up high like there was not a care in the world. No worry or questioning appeared on his expressionless face as he passed me to get his way into mausoleum. "Wh-what are you doing Christopher?! You can't just waltz into a place like that without even doing some kind of investigation of the place!" I panicked as I followed him. A tiny grin grew on his face and he shook his head, "I do my research little brother, and I'm pretty sure that this place is safe. No traps of any sort located inside of the mausoleum. Trust me." he said smugly as he brought his little know-it-all knowledge into the situation.
Christopher is almost 100% right all the time. He is rarely ever wrong about things. He's a genius when it comes to things like researching things and history, so I guess I'll just let him lead the way.
"You're not scared are you?" he chuckled. I twitched, "Of course I'm not! Are you?" I barked at him. Christopher just shook his head with that smug smile of his and continued up to the mausoleum, "Right." I heard him say under his breath. I punched his arm and he returned it but ten fold as always. His punches don't always hurt when he returns just a playful punch, it all depends on his mood.
Up to the final few steps of the mausoleum and Christopher doesn't seem like he's going to stop his regulated speed anytime soon. I stay close behind him just in case anything tries to attack.
And to tell the truth, yeah I'm a bit scared. Ever since the time of my birthday and Christopher's it has always terrified me of going into buildings like family cells and mausoleums like the one we're going in. I just fear for the same voices that infiltrated my head when we were chained there and all the unknown pain that we had to try and endure while we were down there. That was enough to drive anyone crazy, even the ones with the strong spirits. Those voices could break anyone and anything.
Christopher gripped the door handle to the building and pushed it open. I peeked over his shoulder to look inside and determine if it was safe or not. The main room was dark. Pitch black. Nothing could be seen in front of you, Christopher puts out his hand out in front of him and it was soon engulfed into the darkness, the shadows crept almost up to his shoulder. He takes out a pack of matches and lights one, "Rule one of going to creepy places like this, bring matches." He said as he began to walk into the darkness with the small flame that he lit leading the way. I walked in close behind and as soon as both of us were near the middle of the room the door slams shut. I bump into Christopher by accident when the loud noise of the slamming door reached my ears and he barks at me not to do that.
"Ah, sorry guys I still haven't gotten any candles lit." Riefaa's sweet melodic voice chimed in forgiveness from the shadows of the room. Two flames flickered next to each other just a few feet from where Christopher and I stand to reveal Riefaa from out of the darkness. Riefaa smiled at us sweetly and tossed us a few candles that we needed to light.
Once all the candles were lit we could see the inside of the mausoleum. Cobwebs filled the room parts of the room that we haven't ventured to, cracks in the walls were door ways for small insects and mice to crawl in and out of. A stone coffin was centered right in the middle of the room, dividing the part of the room that is still covered with cobwebs and the somewhat cobweb free part of the room where we stand.
Riefaa's smile twitched, "I think I liked it better when the light's were off and I couldn't see the webs and spiders." she said nervously as she grouped together with Christopher and I.
"I don't know Riefaa, I think it's better that the lights are on so now Cain can't do anything or try something funny to you." Christopher joked, I elbowed him in his stomach and he grunted. She looked at us with a puzzled face.
I began walking to the coffin that center pieced the room and said, "Why are we here anyway? Any particular reason we're in a creepy place like this?"
"Well Christopher and I were talking while you were asleep, sleeping beauty, and we thought about making an academy defense team, just the three of us." Riefaa said with a smile. "An academy defense team?" I raised an eyebrow to the idea. Riefaa quickly pointed at Christopher, and lipped the words, "It was Christopher's idea"
I smirked and looked at my brother who almost seemed to tower a few inches over the small Riefaa who hid behind him for some reason. "So Christopher, an academy defense team huh?" I said as I just relaxed my entire body from all the tension that was present before. He nodded, "Yeah. Just thinking about father's wishes for opening a bridge between the kind of world we live in and the human world, I thought about those who would want to take down the academy. Like Lupin." He said calmly as he looked through one of the broken windows.
His reflection appeared on the glass and it seemed a bit worried, "I don't want anyone to break father's dream. So that's when the idea struck me." He continued, "Making an academy defense team would seem to be a good idea when it comes to protecting the academy."
I thought about it and the idea of having a defense team to protect the academy does seem like a good idea, but then a few questions came to me.
"But what would we do if there was someone or something trying to get to the academy when class is in session? What do we do then?" I asked wondering. "That's easy, my father consulted your father already and he said that we don't really need to attend class since we're already 'brilliant' individuals so we can just patrol the halls and occasionally go to classes." Riefaa said happily as she made a little movement with her index finger as if it was like a wand.
Not going to classes seems like fun, I'm so in with this defense team thing. But I still need a few things that must be answered.
"How would we know if there's any trouble anyway?" I asked. Riefaa pointed to her nose, "Unlike most normal vampire powers, I have a very strong sense of smell. My sniffer can sniff anything out of the usual out and so I can inform you guys if there is trouble or not. I've memorized every scent in the town already and I'm sure anything that doesn't belong from within the town I can smell."
"What about if the enemy enters the academy, what then?"
"You really what the play-by-play with this don't you?" Christopher chuckled as if he was disappointed with me, "We flush them out of the academy that's what we do. Riefaa would be able to target where the individual or individuals are, then she would be able to send some sort of signal to us on where her location is and where she is going, then we chase the individual out of the academy and take it out within the forest cemetery or just forest in general." Christopher explained. Sometimes he makes me a little confused with what he's planning but he's the 'genius' boy in the family. I nodded my head in response with what he just said and he barked at me, "Do you even known what I just said Kerberos?!"
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. Riefaa targets the enemy, finds a way to tell us what's going on then we take the intruder down in the forest or cemetery." I replied.
For the first time I think I actually got it. "Okay so that we got those questions answered, how'd you get to tell Riefaa first before me?" I asked. Christopher shook his head, "Well after waking up from you smashing me and Riefaa together I did some thinking. Hence that's when I got the idea. You were out like a light when I tried to tell you my plan. Your snoring was so loud I think it could've beat the sound of thunder and lightning put together. But anyway I waited for Riefaa to wake up from being unconscious and escorted her and Vladimir home. That's when I told them about the plan and also when they told me about them being grave-drinking vampires. Talenne was there too and he said that he'll do whatever he can do to help."
Once again I raised an eyebrow to him, "Grave-drinking?". Christopher's palm met his forehead, "Oh my god..." he said in a disappointed tone, "Getting a bit off topic as always." he mumbled under his exhaled breath. Riefaa just laughed at my inability to compute things in my head quickly, like what is he talking about 'Grave-drinking'?
"Grave-drinkers, like me and my father, take the blood of the humans or things that died or are about to die. But the corpses, if left alone for a few days can loose the blood and we can't feed anymore from that corpse anymore. So we just take the blood from the newly dead ones. Heh, it's a bit confusing when someone explains it but when you see it first hand then you'll know what I mean! Christopher got it right off the back!" Riefaa said proudly. Still confused with what she was trying to say I just nodded my head in response.
I walked away from Christopher and Riefaa to wander about the large room of the mausoleum. I looked at the other side of the stone coffin and to the thick forest of spiderwebs that occupy the area. "So why are we in this creepy, spider infested place anyway?" I asked in wonder. "Well this is going to be our home base. Vladimir gave us permission to use this abandoned mausoleum." Christopher said.
"Yeah, it's very convenient for us since it's close to the academy!" Riefaa smiled.
"He owns this mausoleum?" I asked. Riefaa shook her head, "No my father is an embalmer, someone who preserves the body so it's still suitable for a funeral. He also works as a funeral director, gravedigger and a stone masonry, which is a plus since once the funerals are done and the coffin is placed in it's hole we'll dig it up again and then we can feed from the preserved blood. I know it's bad to do that but it's better to have something dead than something screaming for you to stop it." Riefaa explained.
Digging up someones grave and taking their preserved blood, is that what grave-drinking is?
Most likely it is.
"So the three of us are in on becoming the academy defense team right?" Christopher asked with authority in his tone. Riefaa and I nodded. He nodded in response, "Good. So from here on out we will protect this academy from anyone or anything that wants to take it down. We will swear our lives to protect the academy and show no mercy to the any enemy, especially Lupin and his pack." Christopher stated. He turned his hand into a fist and gripped it tightly.
Knowing Christopher he will always keep his word no matter what. That's why I look up to him, I just don't follow in his steps, as being the best brother ever. He's a determined kind of guy and I know he would be a great leader for our defense team.
"Kerberos!" He barked my name as if it was an order to a soldier from an admiral. "Y-yes?" My voice cracked from his tone. Christopher walked to me, leaving Riefaa at where she stands and looked me straight in the eyes with his hands on my shoulders. My eyes widened a bit from the site of his sharp cold eyes, "Kerberos," he said again but with a calmer tone, "You're going to be the leader of the defense team." My eyes widened much more to what he just said.
Me? Leader of the defense team?! But why? How could he choose me to be the leader? I didn't even sign up for anything like this!
Christopher must have something planned to have me as leader. He would make a much better leader than me due to his wisdom and leadership skills, compared to my non leadership skills and my lack of attention to detail to things. He's even been around longer than me and knows a lot more than me since he reads a lot of books and stuff. But still why me?
"Kerberos, the reason I chose you was because you can control your anger a lot better than me now. If you actually let me go after Lupin all that father has done to try and create the academy would be for nothing. Kerberos, I know it's going to be tough to be leader but I know you can do it. You're mature enough to finally take on this kind of responsibility and role. I know you'll do father proud. Prouder than he would be with me as leader." Christopher said with all sincerity in his voice as if he's actually admiring me as the person I am.
"Christopher." I said as my mouth dropped a little. Riefaa giggled as she came in between me and Christopher and hugged both of us by our necks with an arm, "Cain will be a great leader for the two of us since he's a great guy and I know, from the instant I saw him, that he will have great achievements coming to him in the future!" she said happily. My face began to flush red due to the fact that the side of Riefaa's face and mine were practically touching. Her skin was has a soft velvet like feel to it and was cold just like Christopher and mine.
Just having our cheeks touch each others sent shivers down my spine. "Huh?" Riefaa said as she let both Christopher and me go. She faced both of us, "Are you two blushing? Cause both of your skins feel a little bit warm." she tilted her head then smiled, "Ah! Don't tell me you two are starting to fall for me!" she laughed.
She's right, my face was warm and from the very get-go I did fall for her. I fell for her personality and a sense of uniqueness that I get from her every time I see her. But is it so that Christopher blushing too because he's falling for her like me?
My face flushed red once again but it seemed to show a bit more, "Of course not! I'm not blushing at all and I'm for sure that I'm not falling for you! You're too happy for me anyway!"
Christopher tried not to chuckle as he turned his head away. "Oi! What's so funny?!" I barked
at him. "You sounded a bit like me when we were in the garden." He finally chuckled. Riefaa threw her arms into the air with a smile on her face, "WA! Cain is starting to fall for me!" she laughed. I could feel the warmth of something rushing through my veins causing me to turn red, "No I'm not! You're just imagining it!" I growled at her. "Right, right!" She laughed and kiddishly stuck her tongue out at me. My eye twitched. "Riefaa!" I carefully wrapped my left arm around her neck and my right arm around her tiny waist just enough so I don't hurt her in anyway as she continued to laugh. "Uncle, uncle!" She cried out in laughter, "Stop Cain, you're tickling me!"
"Should've thought of that before I got you in this hold!" I joined her in laughing.
Christopher frowned a little and looked out the window, "We better get to class now. First day and I don't want to get into any trouble besides enemy trouble. We'll fix the base as soon as we get time." He made his way to the door without even looking at Riefaa and me. I let go of Riefaa and playfully pushed her to the door. Riefaa attempted to punch me but I blocked her fist and we both followed the quiet Christopher with little giggles and laughs.
The academy had a sense of a Gothic Victorian feel to it. It's outer interior was like a haunted kind of look while on the inside it gave it a wealthy look. Paintings of great explores, mathematicians, scientist, historians and others filled the hallways along with exotic looking types of flowers and statues.
First class for us was History, my worst class ever and Christopher's favorite. Throughout the class I noticed that Christopher was watching Riefaa a lot and barely paying attention to the lecture which was a bit unusual for his type of behavior. Unlike Christopher I watched Riefaa occasionally for any signs of her sensing anything out of the usual, but nothing came up. I really wished that there was someone or something coming at the academy, I can't stand History. Time went by so slow that I felt like I wanted to kill myself, but I couldn't. Every time I picked up my pencil or pen I would try to jab it through my neck hoping that it would skewer my trachea and my esophagus, but I would think about what Christopher said and then I would just stop and bang my head onto my desk, but trying not to dent the table.
Time went by so slowly during first period that it almost felt like we spent more than 90 minutes talking about the founders of our town. Thankfully no homework from that class which apparently bummed Christopher out. What a loser.....
During passing period Christopher and I got looks from some of the students that seemed to get along great with each other even though the humans had no idea they could've been talking to another vampire like us, were wolf or a shape shifter. When they looked at us it was as if they we're admiring us or something, well the girls did but the guys just looked at us as if they wanted us dead. I wonder if they noticed that Riefaa was with us since I haven't heard any of them whisper anything about Riefaa.
Second period, just as long as first period due to the fact that it was another math class that I could never stand. We had a quick quiz to see where we were on the math levels and sadly I almost made it to the very bottom. Christopher on the other hand made it past the very top while Riefaa just made it to the middle. Throughout that class I ended up drawing Leo on my paper in different kinds of poses and actions. Christopher helped some students out but he mainly stuck with Riefaa. Occasionally he would drop by my desk and wack me with a ruler, breaking it on my hand after, since I had no intention of doing any kind of work in this so called class of mine.
Third period was probably my favorite class due to the fact that Talenne was teaching it, and being the animal expert I know he decided to teach Zoology and Mythology at the same time. As always, the 'animal man' doesn't dress appropriately for a school setting. Just a vest made out of green leather, a tan cloth like sleeveless shirt, baggy pants that are tucked into boots and the essential bandages that hide his recent scars was Talenne's way of dressing "formally". To me it gave him a somewhat dangerous kind of look to him, and to some of the girls in the class he was like a hunk, whatever that means in girl.... Heh Riefaa won't even allow the fact that her boss is teaching her about animals again.
Through out the entire day we had somewhat of a great day with no enemy showing up and getting through the very first day of the academy. Just getting a small mountain of homework wasn't too bad I guess since I for once learned something, besides in History. Both me and Christopher walked Riefaa to her small house near the outskirts of the town where we once again came face to face the the giant himself, Forrest Alabaster Vladimir, who wasn't very pleased to see us with Riefaa but he did manage to thank us for making sure she got home safely.
On the way back to out home it was quiet. No jokes or small pranks like what we would normally have on walks back home. Just absolute silence. Christopher seemed a bit troubled ever since we left the old mausoleum this morning, I just hope that he gets better by tomorrow.
Once we got home Christopher went directly to the family library to read as always and I went directly to my room. I played with Leo for a little bit then started my homework, eventually I started to do what I do best. Procrastinate. Night fall hadn't come any sooner than it should, by then Christopher was back to his normal self, cracking some random sex jokes when my father mentioned the statues outside in the garden during dinner, laughing but still having his expressionless face on, reading while walking and not bumping into anything, etc. I just found it odd that he would just change his mood out of nowhere. Last time he was like this was when he was just being turned into a vampire.
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